Good cards at the RR prereleases


PokeBeach's Yu-Gi-Oh enthusiast. I guess.
Yeah. As you may or may not know, I do one of these every single time there's a prerelease. Just discuss some good cards to use in the prereleases. Just try to be realistic. Nobody's going to pull 3 Flygon and a Flygon Lv.X.

Please note that until we get English scans, we should be using the few scans we already have or the Japanese translations. The names of most attacks should change.

This is just awesome. It has a fantastic Body and all of its attacks cost only 1 energy. Smog is always fun to slowly kill your opponent. Its first attack may seem bad at first because it confuses you, but its Body makes up for that. Would you give up the chance to do 70 for 1 energy at a Prerelease? I wouldn't.

One of my favorite cards from the set. Most people recognize it for its Poke-Body, which makes it every type. This pretty much guarantees geting a super-effective hit. The only bad thing about the body is resistances. Triple Smash can do up to 70 for 3 energy, a good ratio on a basic. But it's too luck-based. Still, you should be getting at least 1 Heads. And by having all of the types, you pretty much have an advantage on everything. The best part about this card: it's a common!

Bronzong 4
Aww, you got stuck with a bad hand? Is your opponent grinning or just said that they got a good start? Send this up and use Hand Refresh for free. Being able to constantly cycle through your deck is great, but your opponent gets to do the same thing. Depending on if you're lucky, the game could just go that much faster. Plus, Revenge is a good attack if you're very close to losing. 60 and confusion for 2 energy on a basic? I'll take it.
Raichu GL
Spread a ton for one energy (I don't care that we don't have Energy Gain) early to hurt your opponent's Pokemon if they get a bad start (in a prerelease, that is probable.) And then use is second attack to sweep for two energy. 30+10 more damage for each of your opponent's Pokemon with damage counters on them.

Wash Rotom
Recover for one energy, and then for 2 energy doing 30 damage, eat away your opponent's hand. Very fast attacks and useful ones just like Raichu.
Raichu GL. This card can do some serious damage turn 1 at a PR. Even if you get one and aren't playing lightning it still spreads.

Rotoms. These cards are good becuase there first attack does some good stuff to help you out. The best is the Frost. 10 to each of your opponent's Pokemon? Wow.

Aerodactyl GL. This card lets you get and extra set up before your opponent.

Lucario GL. It does wonders for you when they have a weakness to you.

Forretress G. This thing can also spread for any energy. But the con is that he can't use it during yor next turn.

Jirachi. If you strart with this it is an easy way to get set up with the many supporters.

Kecleon. This thing also is beast at PR's with it's body and it's attack. This thing comboed with Lucario GL is a tank if you can get a lot of heads.

The trainers are pretty much set up and are self explainable. As also the energy.

Bronzong 4. Easy way to set up if you get a terrible hand with it's first attack.

Electrode G. This thing WILL be one of the best spreaders if you get it. Even though it just gives your opponent a head start in prizes, it just gives you a head start in killing your opponent's Pokemon.

There are my favorite that I saw. Keep in mind that I only was looking at the first attacks.
i'd say any of the eeveelutions and rotoms, and Turtwig GL. the rotoms and lutions have some cheap attacks and Turtwig GL is a card that can stall for 80% of the game. Hippowdon will also be a good card at the prerelease. AND vibrava, because late game, its attack for 1 energy is sick.

I think maybe Floatzel since it is quick and hard hitting. Gallade 4 can also, they're all good.
Don't forget that Kecleon is affected by both Weakness AND Resistance. It needs several supporting cards (like Sunnyshore City Gym) to work properly.

If someone can get a full Shiftry line, it will hurt. Especially vs Bronzong 4.

Sharpedo will be a pain just by being there. Could combo with Ambipom G or Vibrava.

Jolteon + benched Eevee does 50 + 10 spread for 2 each turn. Not bad.

Vespiquen 4, possibly in tandem with Turtwig GL.
Any of the Neoteny Eeveelution lines will do well. Especially since most things can't hit worth a darn in a Prerelease. Jolteon and Flareon will be absolute beasts.
Turtwig is amazing in my opinion. The fast basics like fortress g, raichu gl and the rotoms should make a good showing. The eveelutions are going to be a pain if somebody pulls 2-3 evees and 1-2 eveelutions of them. I also think that damage porter will be annoying too.
Umm, this thread isn't about hoping what you'll get, PokemonDude and CC.

Sharpedo will be awesome just for its Body. Discarding those energy that sometimes take ages to attach in limited...60 for 2 energy and 100 for 3 energy...such a good card for this. Truly the best uncommon card in the set, IMO. Besides Pokemon-SP, that is.
Mamoswine can be deadly after charged up and a few heads.

dmaster out.
Shiftry, just because of the disruption and the eeveelutions just because they look fun to play.
Gallade E4 lvX looks nice to play as well. If you like spread decks you'll love Gallade E4 lvX.
Sealeo actually is nice if you're not drawing into Energies fast enough.

dmaster out.