Good deck ideas


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone I'm really scared because I just found out SP would be rotated. When will it be rotated because it took A LOT of time for me to get Dialgachomp made so I need help. Which deck should I run when Platinum is rotated?
or if you want a fast deck like SP's then do a arceus deck...if the rotation isnt HGSS on
catutie said:
or if you want a fast deck like SP's then do a arceus deck...if the rotation isnt HGSS on

Yes but then you take a risk because you do not know if it is HGSS and on
gary182000 said:
catutie said:
or if you want a fast deck like SP's then do a arceus deck...if the rotation isnt HGSS on

Yes but then you take a risk because you do not know if it is HGSS and on

exactly...just wait for rotation to be announced and plan accordingly
Why would they make it HGSS-on? P!P stated that they want there to be a certain amount (9) of sets after rotation and 13 right before. RR-on is our best bet.

to answer your other question
rotation will be right after worlds

so you still have 4 and a half months to play dialgachomp
theres still regionals, spring battle roads, nationals, and worlds if you go to that
Shiny Shinx said:
Why would they make it HGSS-on? P!P stated that they want there to be a certain amount (9) of sets after rotation and 13 right before. RR-on is our best bet.


They also said they'd cut whatever was needed for the best of the game, which overrides the 9 rule when needed.