Good decks AFTER a rotation


I'm still alive =)
What do you guys think will be viable decks after the rotation. Due to the fact, that we don't know what the rotation will be, here's an example:

PT-on: dialga G X

Something like that, where you would put the format next season and the deck you think will be good.
i think that anything fire or colorless that can take advantage of the ninetails tyflosion line will be good, such as flygon or charizard
This is assuming our next set is a combination of Revived Legends and Lost Link:

PT on:
Gengar Prime
Possibly Jumpluff
TruTruSky said:
This is assuming our next set is a combination of Revived Legends and Lost Link:

PT on:
Gengar Prime
Possibly Jumpluff

IDK about leafeon, but apparently charizard's pretty good in japan right now. Also, a lot more SP's will see play. Consistancy for Stage 2's would leave the format, with no claydol or uxie. SP's are gonna be where the consistancy's at.
Pt on: Flyphan. I still think this deck will work for years. (Okay, maybe not years...)
Platinum On:
Good SP variants (Luxchomp, Dialgachomp, etc...)
Colorless types that use Ninetales/Typhlosion
Spiritomb related decks
Feraligatr related decks
Not sure about Donphan, or T-tar prime.

SP's are easily going to dominate though, especially Dialga G with such poke-body dependent pokemon soon to be used.
LuxChomp (with Dialga)
Dialga G /Techs
Something Fire (LuxApe?)
Random Lost Zone Stuff
Jumpluff (Leaf Guard+Defender+Buffer Piece = -70 resistance = BDIF)
Gengar Prime
Charizard w/Ninetails
Donphan Prime
Luxchomp/SP's that haven't really lost their draw engine
Where is Kingdra Prime is everyone's list? :(
Donkphan Prime
Kingdra Prime
Cursegar (With Gengar Prime)
Also people forgot Shuppet?
Crobat Prime (Possibly)
Just naming something that nobody named:

Houndoom. That bugger hits 50 for 2, which is unimpressive BUT forces a discard from your opponents hand. Combined with the Weavile who gets to let you discard one card NOT AT RANDOM from your opponents hand upon playing it, Team Rockets Handiwork (Draw 2, opponent discards 1) and Hunter (Get Weavile back, rinse and repeat), it is possible to keep messing up your opponent beyond belief. As long as Claydol/Uxie leave, then Houndoom will be pretty annoying to face. Given that he can abuse SP Dark, he isn't a slouch in attacking either, 2HKO'ing most stuff.
Lou Cypher said:
Just naming something that nobody named:

Houndoom. That bugger hits 50 for 2, which is unimpressive BUT forces a discard from your opponents hand. Combined with the Weavile who gets to let you discard one card NOT AT RANDOM from your opponents hand upon playing it, Team Rockets Handiwork (Draw 2, opponent discards 1) and Hunter (Get Weavile back, rinse and repeat), it is possible to keep messing up your opponent beyond belief. As long as Claydol/Uxie leave, then Houndoom will be pretty annoying to face. Given that he can abuse SP Dark, he isn't a slouch in attacking either, 2HKO'ing most stuff.

with no real draw engine, this will be annoying. I must try this out, thanks for the idea Lou Cypher.

I kinda agree with most of you guys with SPs because, even without uxie, SPs are still faster than stage 1/2s.
Jumpluff will definitely not be as good without uxie and claydol. Luxchomp, blazeray, and Sableock(if it can manage without sableye) will be the best decks due to having cyrus and disruption. Charizard has an advantage with ninetails as a draw engine. Spiritomb will be heavily used with Stage 2 decks. Houndoom might work. Psychic decks using jirachi will be very succesfull due to having no draw power to get the pokemon that were leveled down. Donphan might see play due to being a stage 1 and only needing an energy.
Blastoise UL + Metagross SV + Feraligatr Prime
It has the ability to knockout almost anything with 100 Damage and 20 less HP of all Pokemon in play.