DPPt/HGSS Good Legendarys!


Aspiring Trainer

1. No cursing at all!
2. no spamming!
3. be nice to EVERYONE!
4. must accept that you might not get a pokemon!
I have more-than one Deoxys and Jirachis! They are "hacked" meaning they're from my action replay.
You can post(NOT PM ME!) the pokemon you are willing to trade for.
You can also list the pokemon you want and willing to trade for.
I can also give out master balls! But they will be on the pokemon i'm trading! If you likethe pokemon i'm trading to carry a master ball, please say so.
[/size][/color] I will trade for Arceus and Darkrai!!!!!
Is this a My Player Thread? If it is, it has to have those words in the title. If not, then this can be closed.
Huh? I did know that besides, what does that mean and what do you have to do?
Sorry! i meant that i did NOT know that!
huh? what does that mean?
STRANGE PICTURE you got there Steel Pokemon Master no offense!
i'm new here anyway! i just joined two days ago
dont be(If I had a nickle) well do you have moe thingd
Your breaking your own rule; stop spamming.

Kevin Garrett said:
Is this a My Player Thread? If it is, it has to have those words in the title. If not, then this can be closed.
Kevin Garrett said:
Your breaking your own rule; stop spamming.

Kevin Garrett said:
Is this a My Player Thread? If it is, it has to have those words in the title. If not, then this can be closed.

KG, he evidently doesn't know what a My Player thread is, so you need to elaborate, or at least give him the link to WPM's tutorial.


Shawn out.
If you don't know the rules, go to this thread to read them. In order to make this a My Player Thread, go to the link CCloud posted.
i will give you a lvl52 Krabby for your hacked Deoxes

P.S. this is a good deal since most people wont trade for hacked pokemon
so no one here is not gonna try to shut me down or ban me or you are?

Thx Lucarioking but do you have Darkrai or Arceus? I don't care if it is hacked.
hmm... i'll think about it, what's your name on the game?
Alright the list of pokemon i want
Items I Want
Pokemon i have
almost every single one. I mostly have only one of each but could someone tell me how to clone though? Thanks!
