There are multiple things wrong with your terrible criticisms of my post.
1) How could Junk Arm possibly clog your hand up? You're going to be getting better things out of the discard pile anyways, and if you're that concerned, you could just Junk Arm for a Pokegear 3.0. Whether you're getting a Catcher, a PlusPower, or a discarded Rare Candy, Junk Arm is always a big help, and it's the reason that every deck in the format, excluding trainer lock varients (ex. The Truth), should play it in copies of four. You're going to be using Sage's Training anyways, so what if you get something discarded that you didn't want to? Junk Arm is the answer. This deck needs every possible bit of ways to discard energies as possible, and Junk Arm is the best way. As Matryoshka said about the 3 Junk Arms:
[3:51:52 PM] Matias (Matryoshka): lawl
[3:52:02 PM] Matias (Matryoshka): he's good
[3:52:04 PM] Matias (Matryoshka): but
[3:52:06 PM] Matias (Matryoshka): that's insane
Junk Arm clogs my hand because when I have 2-3 in my hand and nothing to use them on, they become useless. 3 is enough, because there usually isn't too much in my discard anyway.
2) Assuming that 1-2 of your Pokemon Collectors are prized, you'd be in big trouble. There is absolutely no way that you would win with even one Collector prized. Also, Pokegear 3.0 isn't going to get you a guarenteed Pokemon Collector on Turn 1, especially since you only run ONE COPY. What if that's also prized? Be prepared for everything, even if it means running something that is a STAPLE.
I guess that's true, but I'd rather run a Pichu than a 4th Collector.
3) How the heck does Rescue Energy allow you to revenge KO easily? You don't even run a revenge KO'er. Even if you did, Rescue Energy will do nothing to your easiness level to Revenge KO. All it would do is, per your own words, 'clog up your hand'.
It allows me to get back Zekroms or Mewtwos, put it down, Motor it, then attack again. It woldn't clog my hand because I'd attach it as soon as I got it.
4) How will 2 Junipers "Discard too many of the important cards"? If you play it at the right time (such as a time where you have a small hand, or a hand full of energies), you will get exactly what you need into the discard pile! No, you're not going to play it when you have a HUGE hand. No, you're not going to use it when you have something that you can play in your hand (Play it first). Yes, you're going to play it when you have only energies or unplayable crap in your hand. Even if you do discard something important (such as a Magnezone or Eel), you play Super Rod for that reason anyways, so please don't exclude a staple.
But, that doesn't happen too much. 1 is fine. It isn't worth it all the time anyway. I'd rather play a PONT or something
5) Zekrom is not your main attacker. Magnezone is, and Eelektrik is in your deck to assist it, hence the name "Eelzone". Zekrom/Thundurus are only for early game to get some cheap KOs before your opponent has a chance to set up. Personally, I prefer Thundurus because it can get energies discarded early game.
Read post # 7