Never gonna play this deck again, sharing my list to the public for those who still have BRs.
Pokemon (23):
4-3/1-3/1 Magnezone Prime (I use Magnet Magnemite, 3 SF Thunder Wave Magneton, 1 SF Magnetic Resonance Magneton, 3 Magnenoze Prime, and 1 SF with Super Conductivity.)
4 Spiritomb AR
2 Regirock LA
2 Zekrom BW
1 Unown Q
1 Skuntank G
1 Azelf
I/S/S (20):
3 Collector
3 Engineer
3 Bebe
2 Sunyshore
2 Judge
2 Expert Belt
1 Lux Ball
1 Palmer
1 Pokemon Communication
NRG (17):
7 Fighting
7 Lightning
2 Warp
1 Rescue
Strategy: Spiritomb/Sableye start, set up Regirock and Magnezones, and accelerate energy with SF Zone, Regirock, and your regular attack to KO bulky pokemon. Zekrom is to help to attack. Skuntank is for Vilegar, Sunyshore for Machamp/Donphan, Ebelt for SP. As for Gyara, well, no techs, just LZ 2 nrg and sweep. Skuntank helps sometimes however. Well rounded as far as matchups go, and it's won a BR, placed 2nd at another, and 13th at regs (would've done better if not for just terrible starts). However, I didn't use this exact list, but it is very similar.
Pokemon (23):
4-3/1-3/1 Magnezone Prime (I use Magnet Magnemite, 3 SF Thunder Wave Magneton, 1 SF Magnetic Resonance Magneton, 3 Magnenoze Prime, and 1 SF with Super Conductivity.)
4 Spiritomb AR
2 Regirock LA
2 Zekrom BW
1 Unown Q
1 Skuntank G
1 Azelf
I/S/S (20):
3 Collector
3 Engineer
3 Bebe
2 Sunyshore
2 Judge
2 Expert Belt
1 Lux Ball
1 Palmer
1 Pokemon Communication
NRG (17):
7 Fighting
7 Lightning
2 Warp
1 Rescue
Strategy: Spiritomb/Sableye start, set up Regirock and Magnezones, and accelerate energy with SF Zone, Regirock, and your regular attack to KO bulky pokemon. Zekrom is to help to attack. Skuntank is for Vilegar, Sunyshore for Machamp/Donphan, Ebelt for SP. As for Gyara, well, no techs, just LZ 2 nrg and sweep. Skuntank helps sometimes however. Well rounded as far as matchups go, and it's won a BR, placed 2nd at another, and 13th at regs (would've done better if not for just terrible starts). However, I didn't use this exact list, but it is very similar.