Good Trade


I'm still alive =)
I have a gallade 4 X and I was wondering if I can trade it for an infernape 4 X. Is this a fair trade, or is gallade 4 X worth more?
I'd say Gallade is a little more valuable, about 4 dollars more. But if you want Infernape more then I guess you can trade it. It would be about even.
On one site i buy cards from (

Gallade E4 lvX $34.99
Infernape E4 lvX $24.99

So, yeah Gallade is worth $10 more
I would have the other person throw in couple Rares or a Holo Rare to make the trade a little more even. Just because Gallade is slightly better than Infernape.

dmaster out.
Let me ask ya'll this...especially for those are try and trade off "listed value"

when it comes down to it, are you making the trade to sell the card or to play the card? I

f you are trading to sell the card you are trading for, what is the actual likelihood that you are going to get the actual value that is listed??? Unless you find some sucker, it is my experience that no, you will not get the actual value of what is listed.

Now if you are trading for a card to use for play, why are you GREEDILY trying to place a value on a card that you're never gonna get the listed value for? That just sounds like you're trying to squeeze extra cards out of something of pretty much equal value

I can understand if you're talking about something being priced way more due to demand...but alot of times with most cards demand is really set by area, there are demand is some areas, whereas there is not demand in the value of most cards, when it comes to trading (NOT BUYING/SELLING) is really set by rarity

So to the person that posted the thread...Infernape 4 X for a Gallade 4 X is a fair trade...trying to place money value on cards of equal demand is just greedy
qnetykz said:
Let me ask ya'll this...especially for those are try and trade off "listed value"

when it comes down to it, are you making the trade to sell the card or to play the card? I

f you are trading to sell the card you are trading for, what is the actual likelihood that you are going to get the actual value that is listed??? Unless you find some sucker, it is my experience that no, you will not get the actual value of what is listed.

Now if you are trading for a card to use for play, why are you GREEDILY trying to place a value on a card that you're never gonna get the listed value for? That just sounds like you're trying to squeeze extra cards out of something of pretty much equal value

I can understand if you're talking about something being priced way more due to demand...but alot of times with most cards demand is really set by area, there are demand is some areas, whereas there is not demand in the value of most cards, when it comes to trading (NOT BUYING/SELLING) is really set by rarity

So to the person that posted the thread...Infernape 4 X for a Gallade 4 X is a fair trade...trying to place money value on cards of equal demand is just greedy

Cute. They're not saying "go sell this card for..." or anything like it. What they're saying is, the current value of one card is about this, and another is about this. Therefore, you should have them add a bit to make the trade even. Demand dictates said cost and value. You trade for the value. That's like saying, "between you and I, you really want a Base 1 Magikarp, and I really want your Charizard ex. As long as both of us really want one, it's even". Or if you want to say that's a RR lv. X for an RR Lv. X, then why not trade my Venusaur ex for your Charizard ex. In terms of production, the same number were made. One, however, is worth far more than another. Would you be greedy for declining that deal? One is far rarer than the other, and one has a higher value. If you like rounding, that's your business. It's not greedy to ask for a fair trade. It is, however, quite rude to suggest they are for asking as much.
By rarity it an even trade also trading shouldn't be influenced by "price" i've found a site seeling them both at the exact same price so i say if your going to get more out of infernape 4 then go for it but if you want a gallade deck then kindly decline his offer. don't let a money value influence and inevitably ruin the game
The Pain said:
By rarity it an even trade also trading shouldn't be influenced by "price" I've found a site seeling them both at the exact same price so I say if your going to get more out of infernape 4 then go for it but if you want a gallade deck then kindly decline his offer. don't let a money value influence and inevitably ruin the game

it's about time somebody with some sense spoke up besides me
qnetykz said:
The Pain said:
By rarity it an even trade also trading shouldn't be influenced by "price" I've found a site seeling them both at the exact same price so I say if your going to get more out of infernape 4 then go for it but if you want a gallade deck then kindly decline his offer. don't let a money value influence and inevitably ruin the game

it's about time somebody with some sense spoke up besides me

Since when does a minority opinion define "sense"?
Hey i'm just trying to state that there raritys match and that the money shouldn't matter which is sense the games meant to be about fun not money, if you wanna talk money go find some yugioh players (trust me been there it is all cash in that game)
The Pain said:
Hey I'm just trying to state that there raritys match and that the money shouldn't matter which is sense the games meant to be about fun not money, if you wanna talk money go find some yugioh players (trust me been there it is all cash in that game)

But their values may not match, which is a point. I go back to my example of the Charizard ex and Venusaur ex. Yes, they may of the same rarity, but it's obvious one is worth more, and as such when trading, the swap should be of equal value. It's more fun when you can make an honest trade with someone, eaching getting cards you need, and neither feeling taken advantage of later.
thats why both people should agree on the trade as i said money shouldn't matter, you should trade for what you need or really like not because oh i can sell this for more than that, if he's askin about a fair trade obviously he isn't going to sell the card on, or he'd be asking for the price
The Pain said:
thats why both people should agree on the trade as I said money shouldn't matter, you should trade for what you need or really like not because oh I can sell this for more than that, if he's askin about a fair trade obviously he isn't going to sell the card on, or he'd be asking for the price

The $ sign is about the value of each card. A way to gauge the value? Why don't you trade me all the Lv. X's you won't be using in your deck for some commons you will? Because the Lv. X's aren't WORTH as much as the commons. I get fun, but everyone works hard to get their money, and asking to get their moneys worth in a trade isn't asking too much at all.
yea and i'll shoot myself in the foot I even started by mentioning the rarity's match thats what makes it fair, no way a common will be worth an X,
If your gonna keep tryin to dis at least keep up with what i've said from my first post not just my last 1
The Pain said:
yea and I'll shoot myself in the foot I even started by mentioning the rarity's match thats what makes it fair, no way a common will be worth an X,
If your gonna keep tryin to dis at least keep up with what I've said from my first post not just my last 1

I responded to your first post with my Charizard ex to Venusaur ex example. To this one, in terms of fun and playability, I responded with an X to common.