Goodra as a Garbotoxin Blocker


Ready or Not!
Advanced Member
What do people think about have Goodra PhF as a Garbotoxin blocker?
The ability can be gotten out by turn 2 with candies, and that basically puts a stop to Garbotoxin until Goodra is killed. Also, if Aromatisse (XY) can get fairy transfer working, Goodra can be used to kill those Stage 2s - or basics, and possibly get too 170-180 HP exs with Altaria (DrE) and band or bangle. So, any thoughts?

Also, I may make a theory Goodra deck for players to try out!
But then it's useless if they already have the Garbodor up, so I'm going to go with no. If we still had Poke-Bodies and Poke-Powers maybe, but because there's only Abilities no. Megaphone is a much easier answer to it.
Goodra is only good to stop Garbotoxin if Garbodor has no Tool or you removed it from play. Sounds amazingly good in theory to just stop Garbotoxin altogether, right? Turns out, it's easier said than done. Fitting a whole Goodra line into an Ability-based deck AND sacrificing your own Tool placement is extremely counterproductive, up to the point that whenever you don't face Garbodor, you'll have a LOT of dead cards in your deck. It's only worth it if anyone ever builds a Goodra FLF deck, as a 1-of, but that's it. If this was a Basic, or perhaps a Stage 1, and also that it affects only your opponent, this story would be entirely different.
Since Garbodor is so popular, I wouldn't be surprised if it worked out quite fine in decks that heavily relies on abilities. Such decks usually revolve around evolution lines, so adding just one more isn't that big of a deal, since these decks can most of the time survive without tools (U-Turn decks might have some issues, but there are other ways of retreating without Float Stones).

Also, wouldn't it be nice to get rid of all the Muscle Bands threatening potential knockouts against all other decks, as well?

I don't think Goodra will be played a lot of, but it at least opens up the possibilty for more rogue decks to join the somewhat competitive ranks.
simsands said:
Since Garbodor is so popular, I wouldn't be surprised if it worked out quite fine in decks that heavily relies on abilities. Such decks usually revolve around evolution lines, so adding just one more isn't that big of a deal, since these decks can most of the time survive without tools (U-Turn decks might have some issues, but there are other ways of retreating without Float Stones).

Also, wouldn't it be nice to get rid of all the Muscle Bands threatening potential knockouts against all other decks, as well?

I don't think Goodra will be played a lot of, but it at least opens up the possibilty for more rogue decks to join the somewhat competitive ranks.

Most rogues aren't competitively viable because they aren't consistent enough. Throwing in even a 2-0-2 goodra will wreck your consistency.
I just thought of something, Wobuffett. By sending this thing out, the Garbodor player can negate the effect of Goodra, reattach a tool, and activate Garbotoxin.

I think Xerosic is the better anti Garbodor. It can be retrieved with VS Seeker too.

I still Wonder of Goodra couldn't find it's place in some kind of control deck. It IS a powerful ability, but it's a lot of work.
pokedan24 said:
I just thought of something, Wobuffett. By sending this thing out, the Garbodor player can negate the effect of Goodra, reattach a tool, and activate Garbotoxin.

That would be if Goodra was actually played :p. But it's not like the others have said. It takes up a lot of room that most decks don't have as well as makes the deck clunkier.
A stage 2 just to negate another pokemon is kind of bad now. The game is just way too fast now because of how Broken EX pokemon are :C
Goodra PHF isn't THAT bad, honestly. I know it is really slow being a Stage 2, but considering that Goodra decks will never really reach a point of being Top Tier for now, I doubt people would take up a spot in their deck for Wobbuffet, just to stop 3% of the decks they will play. That being said though, Goodra/Aromatisse/Xerneas/Suicune doesn't sound that awful.
pokedan24 said:
I just thought of something, Wobuffett. By sending this thing out, the Garbodor player can negate the effect of Goodra, reattach a tool, and activate Garbotoxin.

I think Xerosic is the better anti Garbodor. It can be retrieved with VS Seeker too.

I still Wonder of Goodra couldn't find it's place in some kind of control deck. It IS a powerful ability, but it's a lot of work.

Read Wobuffett's ability again. It blocks all Abilities, EXCEPT Psychic Pokemon. Now, guess what Garbador is? Psychic so it isn't blocked at all. However, all the others like Virizon EX, Genesect EX, Lugia EX, etc are affected since they're not Psychic.
I think you misread what he said. Wobuffett is a tool for the Garbodor player to use, not the Goodra player. I think Wobbuffett sounds like a decent way to maintain ability lock although its not like Goodra will see an awful lot of play. I can imagine it being a 1-1 line in a deck which already runs rare candies, perhaps something like a Shiftry deck which gains a lot of momentum midway through the game (and preventing a garbodor allows you to keep your great draw power) and doesn't necessarily need tools to get big EX knockouts, especially with target whistle now. Its a shame goodra wont really fit into much else because of how many cards youd need to make it consistent. I think like I said before Goodra is going to be more of a throwaway addition in the same way people sometimes add a 1-1 Dusknoir. Although even that is perhaps not great in the world of Seismitoad EX (again, shiftry seems like a good deck for it due to being able to deal with seismitoad ex and actually use some rare candies eventually)

edit: forgot about aromatisse which can probably use it too, with goodra as an attacker. 130 is pretty good for a non EX attacker.. but stage 2 isnt good for an attacker either, so I guess it goes both ways.
How about Pyroar decks? It has plenty of space for the line and is a deck that could use a counter for Garbodor. Sure, there's still Wobbuffet which could be annoying, but not every Garbodor deck would play it and Mewtwo EX could take care of that anyway.
Id quite like to see someone come up with a listing of Pyroar/Goodra. I was thinking earlier that it could perhaps be one of the decks that could work, although you probably wouldnt be able to use Goodra's attack (which is a big drop from being able to use Charizard EX's pretty great attack) and would have to rely a lot heavier on Pyroar. Although, thinking about it, Im sure you could still squeeze in a Charizard EX or 2.. 4-4 Pyroar, 2-1-2 Goodra and 2 Charizard EX is 15 pokemon total which actually isnt too bad?
hawk45678 said:
You wouldn't be able to attach a silver bangle to goodra.

If you attached BEFORE activating Slip Trip, yes you could attach a bangle to Goodra.
GadgetJax said:
hawk45678 said:
You wouldn't be able to attach a silver bangle to goodra.

If you attached BEFORE activating Slip Trip, yes you could attach a bangle to Goodra.

But you probably wouldn't be playing Goodra and tools in the same deck in the first place. They sort of clash.
Mora said:
GadgetJax said:
If you attached BEFORE activating Slip Trip, yes you could attach a bangle to Goodra.

But you probably wouldn't be playing Goodra and tools in the same deck in the first place. They sort of clash.

Yea, I guess you're right. Besides, would you keep matches and gasoline in the same toolbox?