This is basically a google deck with magnezone in it.
2-1-2 reuniclus
2-1-2 vileplume
3-2-3 magnezone
2-2 donphan
2 zekrom
2 cleffa
1 tyrogue
27 pokemon
4 rare candy
3 collector
2 seeker
2 juniper
2 twins
15 T/S/S
8 electric
5 fighting
2 rainbow energy
18 energy
The basic strategy is to get out reuniclus, vileplume, donphan. Use damage swap to move all of the damage of donphan to other places. Magnezone is because you never need to attach enrgy so use magnezone to utilize the fact that you should only need to attach one energy per turn. It is also good draw power. The zekrom is for outrage due to the fact you will have like 100-300 damage floating around.
2-1-2 reuniclus
2-1-2 vileplume
3-2-3 magnezone
2-2 donphan
2 zekrom
2 cleffa
1 tyrogue
27 pokemon
4 rare candy
3 collector
2 seeker
2 juniper
2 twins
15 T/S/S
8 electric
5 fighting
2 rainbow energy
18 energy
The basic strategy is to get out reuniclus, vileplume, donphan. Use damage swap to move all of the damage of donphan to other places. Magnezone is because you never need to attach enrgy so use magnezone to utilize the fact that you should only need to attach one energy per turn. It is also good draw power. The zekrom is for outrage due to the fact you will have like 100-300 damage floating around.