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Gothitelle/Accelgor/Mew EX/Darkrai EX

Fish Ninja

Aspiring Trainer
So this is a deck that has been interesting to me since it was a big threat in the HGSS-BW meta. It used Vileplume UD to prevent the opponent from using items. Of course we lost it during last year's rotation, however this deck is still viable through the watered down ability of Gothitelle. The obvious difference between these two is Gothitelle must be active. Nevertheless, you can still play items which is also a difference from Vileplume. First I will post the list, then explain choices I have made as well as concerns I have. Without further adieu, here is the list.

Pokemon (20):

4x Accelgor [DEX 11]
2x Darkrai EX
4x Gothita [EPO 43]
3x Gothitelle [EPO 47]
1x Gothorita [DRX 56]
2x Mew EX
4x Shelmet [NVI 11]

Items (17):

1x Computer Search
2x Level Ball
2x Pokemon Catcher
3x Pokemon Communication
4x Rare Candy
1x Super Rod
2x Switch
2x Ultra Ball

Stadium (2):

2x Virbank City Gym/Tropical Beach

Supporters (12):

3x Colress
4x N
3x Professor Juniper
2x Skyla

Energy (9):

5x Darkness Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

The overall strategy of the deck is as follows. Primarily, the goal is to set up a Gothitelle to shut roughly a third (or more) of your opponents deck down as soon as possible. This will cause them to have dead cards that hinder their set up. Secondly, because Gothitelle has to be active it is always preferred to set up a second on standby so that if the opponent's deck is fast attacking, you still have the lock going. Obviously, Accelgor provides the second half of the lock through it's Deck and Cover attack. By paralysing and poisoning the opponents active then promoting Gothitelle, you are guaranteeing that their Pokemon will stay active during the next turn. They cannot manually retreat out of paralysis and cannot play Switch because of Magic Room. The only exception being Keldeo EX who can Rush In. If this pony is ever in play I try to catcher it up and use Accelgor instead of Mew because of the grass weakness. The silver lining is depending on how fast Gothitelle is set up against Blastoise/Keldeo, they may not be able to Deluge the four energy needed to the Keldeo to OHKO the active Gothitelle. And if this is the case, they have to burn two energies to get out of the active because it is rare that that deck carry Switch. Even if it did, Gothitelle still forces them to retreat manually/Rush In. By keeping a steady stream of Deck and Cover going you can effectively lock your opponent down. This may seem like a stretch, but it is do able. Not to mention, Gothitelle alone puts an extreme amount of pressure on your opponent.

Now, lets look at a few choices I have made and some I am still considering. Firstly, the Pokemon I may want to fit in. A 2-2 Line of Musharna NXD 59 (Munna BLW 48). This is just to add to the likelihood of continual Deck and Cover. I'm not completely sold on this, although I haven't tested it too much, but I am going to give it another shot. I also can't say I haven't thought about Emolga for Call for Family. Set up is key for this deck but I don't know if it is worth fitting in to this already tight list. Secondly, lets look at the items that are a possibility. The first is a third catcher. When I lock it takes several turns to KO the opposing Pokemon, this gives me plenty of time to draw out a catcher to select what I will KO next. (If they didn't already promote an EX to KO my Gothitelle.) I've had two games where both were prized. Given this is a rare occurrence, the thought of a third would be nice. Also I would also like to add a second Super Rod, being able to reuse Darkness Energies and replenish my Basic Pokemon. I have Computer search in this list because of the need to hit DCE consistently. Dowsing Machine could work as well acting as an extra copy of all of my trainers. The supporters look kind of awkward to me I don't know why and it plays out fine, but it has room for improvement. Now, for the stadium dilemma--Virbank City Gym Vs. Tropical Beach.This is such a hard choice because they both add a different feel for the build. Virbank helps by reducing the number of Deck and Covers needed to KO an opposing Pokemon EX, whereas Beach is a distinct consistency booster that is essentially a second supporter. I am currently leaning toward Virbank because one Deck and Cover with it out does 50 base damage + 30 for poison between turns, then another 30 when its back to you for a total of 110, which is quite a nice number because after that turn gets up to 140 to KO several bulky non EX Pokemon. Lastly, I may want to add another Darkness Energy in case several are prized, but I haven't had a problem with this yet.

All in all, I enjoy playing this deck and want to try to improve it. This is my first attempt at this deck, so if I am missing anything let me know. Also, comment with your thoughts, critiques, and/or criticism. (Especially your view of which stadium to play) Thanks for reading!
The Stadium should definitely be Tropical Beach. It is just so much better than Virbank. You should also consider Ditto. It will allow you to make this list more roomy. Also, even though Blend isn't returnable with Super Rod, you should make the Energy line 4 DCE, 2 Darkness, 3 Blend GRPD. jmho
^ I would do a 1/1 tropical beach/virbank split in case you need those extra 2 damage counters. And also 3 colress is way to much you only need 1 gothita no DRX gothietelle. My reasons are because 3 colress is way overboard in any deck , DRX gothietelle is flippy, more than 1 gothita slows down your deck.
But more often than when you need the extra counters you'll need to counter the opponent's Stadium.
Fish Ninja said:
The overall strategy of the deck is as follows. Primarily, the goal is to set up a Gothitelle to shut roughly a third (or more) of your opponents deck down as soon as possible.
As one who has built and run Accelgor decks, I strongly suggest you have at least 4+ Switch/Escape Rope for those times when you need to get Gothitelle out of the active poistion. The current 2 Switch is very insufficient, IMHO.

Fish Ninja said:
Now, lets look at a few choices I have made and some I am still considering. Firstly, the Pokemon I may want to fit in. A 2-2 Line of Musharna NXD 59 (Munna BLW 48). This is just to add to the likelihood of continual Deck and Cover.
To really maximize Musharna's Ability, I'd suggest you considering combining it with Pokédex to allow you to peak at your top 5 cards and re-arrange their order. Then get the desired card via Forewarn. But now, Musharna becomes a bench warmer, Catcher bait, and another Poké to setup. Your list is already tight; I don't believe Musharna returns enough value given overall resources committed (and of higher priority, IMHO); and with good card draw support, you will draw into needed DCEs.

Fish Ninja said:
I also can't say I haven't thought about Emolga for Call for Family. Set up is key for this deck but I don't know if it is worth fitting in to this already tight list.
You do need to get your key resources benched as soon as possible, like any other "setup" deck. You currently have 7 Poké search Items (2 Level Ball, 3 Poké Communication, and 2 Ultra Balls) I suggest altering the mix and playtest this revised combo:
  • 4 Level Ball. Needed to get Basic (excluding your EXs), as well as Accelgor.
  • 3 Pokémon Communication. Since you are not running Dark Patches, the Ultra Ball requirement of discarding 2 cards is not "strongly" useful in this case (other than "thinning out" your deck).
--- OR ---
  • -1 Accelgor. I believe 3 are sufficient.
  • -2 Ultra Ball
  • +3 Emolga
Fish Ninja said:
I've had two games where both were prized. Given this is a rare occurrence, the thought of a third would be nice. Also I would also like to add a second Super Rod, being able to reuse Darkness Energies and replenish my Basic Pokemon.
-1 Accelgor. 3 should be sufficient.
-1 Rare Candy. 3 should be sufficient, especially since you are also running Gothorita.
+1 Gothitelle
+1 Super Rod

Fish Ninja said:
I have Computer search in this list because of the need to hit DCE consistently. Dowsing Machine could work as well acting as an extra copy of all of my trainers.
Computer Search is far more versatile than Dowsing Machine for this deck, IMHO.

Fish Ninja said:
The supporters look kind of awkward to me I don't know why and it plays out fine, but it has room for improvement.
I'd suggest:
  • -2 Colress
  • +1 Bianca / Cheren
  • +1 Professor Juniper
Fish Ninja said:
Now, for the stadium dilemma--Virbank City Gym Vs. Tropical Beach.
I personally prefer to inflict more damage; so the VCG would get my vote. Besides, if you have strong card draw support, why give your opponent a chance to use your Beach when he/she has bad hands?

Fish Ninja said:
Lastly, I may want to add another Darkness Energy in case several are prized, but I haven't had a problem with this yet.
I'd suggest first prioritizing your wanted changes; then if adding another Dark energy is high, then you could then replace a current card (e.g., the 4th Accelgor, 4th Rare Candy, etc. mentioned above) with the energy.

I hope these comments help. After more playtesting, you'll find the right combination for you.
Admittedly, I didn't read all of the OP or comments, but all I have to say is...:
grantm1999 said:
Admittedly, I didn't read all of the OP or comments, but all I have to say is...:
Nice article and concept.., but with so many "moving parts," is it really pracital, in a true competitive sense?
It surely was a potential metagame contender in BW-BC (I tested it, and had many more wins than losses, even against Keldeo/Blastoise!), but with Plasma out and Keldeo EX everywhere, it's not as potent. The point wasn't really to provide the best list for this format, but to give some ideas and insight into how/what Accelgor needs to function.