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Gothitelle/Accelgor rough draft BW-on


Just a sexy boy...
This is a very rough draft and needs lots of work on it. I also know the deck would be better with cards that are coming out in DRE, however at my local card shop where we have league, we also run weekly tournaments. This means BLW-DEX. I also thought I'd try something different too.

2 Mewtwo EX
4-2-3 Gothitelle
3-3 Accelgor DEX
2-1-1 Gardevoir
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
3 Bianca
2 Cheren
2 Random Receiver
2 Super Rod
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
2 Ultra Ball
4 {C}{C} Energy
8 {P} Energy

I'm going for the status/item lock. I thought I'd try a small Gardevoir line to make all {P} energy become {P}{P} energy, that way Gothitelle and Mewtwo's attacks are even more powerful. As I said, rough draft and needs a lot of work.
I'm a big fan of Gothitelle/Accelgor decks and of item lock decks in general. Gothitelle has a powerful ability, but attacking with her is risky in this format, as Mewtwo is still very popular, so stacking energy on her will just make her vulnerable. You'll need to be prepared to promote another or your own Mewtwo directly afterwards. Accelgor works great with Gothitelle because he is shuffled out of the active position after he attacks, allowing you to promote Gothitelle and re-establish the lock. The Gothitelle/Mewtwo deck with energy acceleration from Gardevoir has been done before and can work well if you set up quickly enough and can combat other Mewtwo effectively. The Gothitelle/Accelgor variant is a (popular) deck in progress now and many are tinkering with ideas for the deck. Both variations of Gothitelle decks can do well, but are not very consistent or smooth when mixed together, so I would choose one.

If you choose Gothitelle/Mewtwo/Gardevoir:
-6 Accelgor line
- 1 DCE

+1-0-2 Gardevoir line
+4 search (probably a mixture of ultra ball and communication)

I might also alter your draw support line. I find N and Juniper generally superior to Bianca and Cheren, but you can decide after testing.

If you choose the Gothitelle/Accelgor version:
-1 Mewtwo (only to be used in emergency when they are being Mewtwo aggressive. Using him breaks your lock, though)
- 4 Gardevoir line
- 8 Psychic energy

+1-1 Accelgor
+2 Darkrai
+4 Darkness Energy
+5 Search (at least)

The idea now is to get a Gothitelle going ASAP with a single dark energy attached to her. Then bench a Darkrai and start building Accelgor on your bench like crazy. On your turn, retreat Gothitelle for free using a Darkrai's ability, promote an Accelgor with a DCE and then use Deck and Cover. He'll be shuffled safely in the deck, allowing for you to re-promote Gothitelle to reestablish the lock. Rinse and repeat. If you want, you can even consider a thin line of Musharna (Next Destinies) to give you more draw support. When Mew EX comes out, you can drop Mewtwo completely, thin you Accelgor line, and just deck and cover with Mew. Hope this helped!