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4-2-3 Gothitelle (43-45-47)
3-1-2 Reuniclus
1-1 Blissey Prime
1 Pichu
1 Cleffa
2 Zekrom

4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Catcher
3 Junk Arm
2 Max Potion
1 Energy Retrieval

3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Copycat
4 Twins
4 Pokemon Collector

8 Psychic

Lock trainers/attack with Gothitelle, move damage with Reuniclus, soak damage/backup attack with Zekrom, heal with Blissey Prime/Max Potion. Not much to say.
Add in one more gothlitelle.play a 2-1-2 reuniculus.3 or 4 catcher.one more junk arm and take out energy retrieval.add in one more PONT.take out copycat and add in juniper.hope this helps.
evil_elf said:
Add in one more gothlitelle.play a 2-1-2 reuniculus.3 or 4 catcher.one more junk arm and take out energy retrieval.add in one more PONT.take out copycat and add in juniper.hope this helps.

Why would you play only two Solosis? Four Gothitelle I can understand, but two Solosis is important against Yanmega and Catcher so that it is easier to setup a Reuniclus.
What do you plan to do in the mirror match or any trainer lock match when your only gothorita is prized? You should consider running 2 of them
I do think a 4-2-4 line of Gothitelle would be much more consistent, however I'm not really sure what to take out for it. At the very least I feel like I do need to have 2 Gothorita
Exactly...that's my experience with trying to build a Reuni/Goth deck...
You need 70 cards in your deck.

I would run 4-2-3 Goth and 3-1-2 Reun lines (3-1-2 Goth might work too, you only need 1 Gothitelle and you're set anyway).
Cut: 1x Juniper (not really worth discarding loads of stuff, you can't spam energy attachment from discard or something like that)
Copycat just gets you ruined by Megazone, they judge...your copycat useless much? Use 1 more PONT. Now you have 2 spaces; put in a Gothorita and a VS Seeker. Hey, that's basically a Junk Arm-able supporter, what's not to love about it?

-1 Juniper
-2 Copycat
+1 Gothorita
+1 VS Seeker

Otherwise, quite solid.
Well I understand where you're coming with for all of that and those are definitely some things to consider. The only thing is that VS Seeker isn't legal anymore?
-1 Energy Retrieval
-1 Professor Oak's New Theory
-2 Copycat
-1 Twins

+3 sages training
+1 Duosion
+1 Switch

sages is great in this deck speeds it up a lot you need switch its a staple and just in case they get a T2 vileplume or something its good to have that 2nd stage 1 of reuni.
Ive been thinking of how to face a google deck.You either just try to outspeed them by getting out goth to slow em down and then use ur catchers to ko any oddish or gloom. If the vilplume does come in play. ive been thinking about Muk UD to drag it up and kill it slowly, but I havent tried it.

Also verses google (and maybe mirror) Kyurem will be good, just add 2-3 rainbow and you can do some spread damage which can get some knockouts when you factor in donphans earthquake damage and other damage spread by reuniculus. But thats next set.

some small ideas, but your deck looks pretty solid.
I dunno, I think I'll probably try and stay without techs in this deck for max consistency. The thing I am looking at is dropping the Blissey for a 1-0-1 Serperior. I'm not really sure which will be better, but the Serperior Reuniclus combo is something that has always intrigued me, and if I can get it set up, it will basically insure that my Gothitelle is never KO'd, I am counting on them do to 120- damage per turn anyways and that's exactly how much Serperior heals when I have a full bench. Does this sound like a good idea or should I just stick with Blissey?