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Gothivoir (Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Gardevoir, and Dragons)


Aspiring Trainer
I've been running a Gothitelle, or Reunitelle for quite some time now, and with the release of Gardevoir NDE, I think that this deck could be improved to incorporate Gardevoir. Also, do you guys think this deck-style will be viable in this format? What about Mewtwo EX as a tech? Defending against M2EX?

Here's my current Reunitelle list. Any recommendations appreciated!

2 Zekrom B/W 47
2 Reshiram B/W 26
3 Gothitelle E/P 47
2 Gothorita E/P 45
3 Gothita E/P 43
2 Reuniclus B/W 57
2 Duosion B/W 56
3 Solosis B/W 55

Note: "-S" denotes the card as a supporter, just so someone can see at a glance.

4 Collector-S
4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Max Potion
3 Twins-S
2 Interviewer's Questions-S
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Flower Shop Lady-S

9 Psychic
personally I prefer cilan than energy retrieval
-1 energy retrieval
+1 cilan
max potion may not be needed trade 1 for a twins. There's more I'd like to add sometime later.
k klowners said:
personally I prefer cilan than energy retrieval
-1 energy retrieval
+1 cilan
max potion may not be needed trade 1 for a twins. There's more I'd like to add sometime later.

The only thing that I would have against Cilan is that I don't have many energies. I need to take some back from the discard, especially when I'm stalling with a dragon. Also, the supporter/trainer ratio in my deck is already greatly in favor of the Supporters, and adding in another supporter instead of a trainer seems that it might slow down this already slow strategy. I'd love to hear what you intend to add later. All of this helps. Even if I don't at first like an Idea, I might begin to grow on it, and it gives me more ideas whenever i'm redesigning, or altering card counts.
^I think the energy retrieval is for the discarded energies. I'd use a junk arm and some more drawing power. Maybe
-2 IQ
+1 Cilan (better for getting out the energies
-2 Max Potion
-1 Catcher
-1 psychic energy
+4 Junkarm
-1 zekrom (really not needed)
+1 kyurem (for reshiram and EX)

I'd personally add like a regigigas or something since it goes well with this deck's strategy. It also definitely needs more drawing power. I think this deck will have an extremely hard time setting up since it has 3 stage 2s if gardevoir is included. I also think that Gothitelle will have a hard time because Magnezone, the EXs, and some other cards can OHKO it relatively easy. This deck will also pretty much die to mewtwo decks since it uses gothitelle.
Jirachi said:
^I think the energy retrieval is for the discarded energies. I'd use a junk arm and some more drawing power. Maybe
-2 IQ
+1 Cilan (better for getting out the energies
-2 Max Potion
-1 Catcher
-1 psychic energy
+4 Junkarm
-1 zekrom (really not needed)
+1 kyurem (for reshiram and EX)

I'd personally add like a regigigas or something since it goes well with this deck's strategy. It also definitely needs more drawing power. I think this deck will have an extremely hard time setting up since it has 3 stage 2s if gardevoir is included. I also think that Gothitelle will have a hard time because Magnezone, the EXs, and some other cards can OHKO it relatively easy. This deck will also pretty much die to mewtwo decks since it uses gothitelle.

Do you think discarding with junk arm is wise with a deck that is already just about stretched thin? What do you suggest for drawing power? Do you think gardevoir is viable? The gardevoir has gothitelle doing 120 for two psychic, and mewtwo will only deal me 60 if it is using a gardevoir, and it will ohko me without it. However, because gardevoir allows me to set up gothitelles in half the time, it is easy enough to come back and ohko mewtwo. Do you think there is a viable mewtwo counter to be used in the deck? or just move damage to dragons and outrage?
Yes, but it can also help mew two decks OHKO gothitelle a lot easier. Gardevoir makes the psychic count as twice as much so that helps mew two. Junk arm is very beneficial I think, but can be cut to like 2-3 I guess. It also helps getting out trainers that you really need that is discarded. I think that the best mew two counter is mew two. Mewtwo could work, but if it is run, then gothitelles power wouldn't work and reuniclus would be catchered.