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Gourgeist / Meowstic / Sigilyph


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Pumpkaboo
    3x Gourgeist
    2x Espurr
    2x Meowstic
    2x Sigilyph
    1x Drifblim
    1x Drifloon
    1x Mewtwo EX

  • 4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    4x N
    2x Skyla
    3x Frozen City
    3x Crushing Hammer
    1x Scoop Up Cyclone
    4x Professor Sycamore
    1x Colress
    3x Ultra Ball
    2x VS Seeker
    1x Virbank City Gym
    3x Team Flare Grunt
    4x Enhanced Hammer
    1x AZ

  • 4x Mystery Energy
    5x Psychic Energy

the basic strategy here is the standard gourgeist/meowstic then spread damages and reallocate them by ear influence. In addition the idea is to remove as much energy as possible with team flare, enhanced and crushing hammers so slow down your opponent and increase the damage amounts with frozen city :p:p:p
RE: Meowstic Frozen city

How about using Dusknoir instead of Meowstic? that way you can continually deal damage with Gourgeist instead of taking a turn to attack with Meowstic.
RE: Meowstic Frozen city

appleatingoat said:
How about using Dusknoir instead of Meowstic? that way you can continually deal damage with Gourgeist instead of taking a turn to attack with Meowstic.

Is a stage 2, i need rare candy and have to remove energy discanding cards
RE: Meowstic Frozen city

You don't actually need rare candy to play stage 2s you know, just use the stage 1. There is also no need to remove any of your hammers! Isn't that great? Just take out the Drifloon/Drifblim along with the 2/2 Meowstic.

-2 Espurr
-2 Meowstic
-1 Drifblim
-1 Drifloon
+2 Duskull
+2 Dusclops
+2 Dusknoir

See? Much more efficient. XD