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Gourgeist / Toxicroak EX


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys! Today I will be sharing a Gourgeist, Toxicroak EX, and Dusknoir Deck. If you have any suggestions for this deck please share them! It would help this deck and my deck building in general!


  • 4x Pumpkaboo (Evolve)
    4x Gourgeist (Attack)
    3x Toxicroak EX (Secondary Attack)
    2x Mr. Mime (Protect)

  • 4x Hypnotoxic Laser (Attack)
    2x Virbank City Gym (Boost)
    3x Skyla (Setup)
    1x Computer Search (Setup)
    3x Random Receiver (Setup)
    2x Professors Letter (Setup)
    2x Energy Retrieval (Recycle)
    3x Great Ball (Setup)
    3x Ultra Ball (Setup)
    4x Shadow Triad (Recycle)
    3x Evosoda (Evolve)
    3x Revive (Recycle)
    3x Tierno (Setup)
    2x Professor Sycamore (Setup)

  • 9x Psychic Energy
    3x Double Colorless Energy

Setup 1: Gourgeist is the active Pokemon. Play Hypnotoxic Laser and use spirit scream. You're going to need the revives for this setup.
Setup 2: Toxicroak EX is the active Pokemon. Get a Virbank City Gym out and use triple poison. Then just keep on using Smash Uppercut until the next Pokemon comes out. Then use triple poison and Smash Uppercut and so on.
Have 4 Double Colorless Energy and 8 Psychic. It will be faster to use Triple Poison.

This would also be good if you had a Dusknoir line. The one with the Sinister hand ability. Also Level Ball is rotating out of the format soon, so maybe you should have 3 ultra ball and 3 great ball.
I would much rather see you play Chandelure EX.
It has an attack that lets you place 4 damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon in any way you like, so you can KO Pokemon you previously Spirit Screamed.
GhostMaster365, I added some DCEs and removed the Level Balls. I wanted to add the Dusknoir, but I didn't really have anywhere to put it. Adding one more Pokemon like another Toxicroak or a new EX would be easy. I only have to remove one other card. Unfortunately, I don't really have anywhere to add an entire evolution line. I have decided to make a Toxicroak EX/ Dusknoir Deck though!
AlexanderTheAwesome Chandelure EX is kind of straying away from what I want this deck to do. Sorry, good suggestions though.