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Gourgeist with techs (Gourgeist / Garbodor)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4x Pumpkaboo
    4x Gourgeist
    1x Mr Mime
    1x Sigilyph
    2x Trubbish
    2x Garbodor

  • 4x N
    4x Juniper
    3x Skyla
    1x Pokemon fan club (thinking about shadow triad)
    3x Ultra ball
    4x Evosoda
    1x Lysandre
    2x Pokemon Catcher
    1x Sacred ash
    1x Life dew
    1x Super Rod
    1x Professor's Letter
    1x Energy retrieval
    4x Hypnotoxic Lazer
    4x Rocky helmet
    1x Battle City (counter stadium that looks cool)

  • 10x Psychic Energy

Pretty much exchange KOs with gourgeist.
Take them down to 10hp, and laser.
This way I'll always be ahead of opponents with the KO (especially against EX decks).
Some problems would probably be energy acceleration for 2 psychic energies.

Lemme know what other problems you guys can see out.