• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Grass / Psychic (Virizion EX / Golurk)


Whats A User Title?

  • FA Virizion EX x1
    Red Genesect x1
    Purple Genesect (Hollow) x1
    Surskit x1
    Team Plasma Masquerain x1
    Ralts x1
    Kirlia x1
    Gardevoir (Hollow) x1
    Solosis x2 (x1 RH)
    Duosion x1
    Reuniclus x1
    Golett x2
    RH Golurk x2
    Drifloon x1
    Drifblim x1
    Sigilyph (Hollow) x1
    Kangaskhan x1

  • Energy Retrieval x2
    Energy Search x3
    Cheren x2
    Switch x3 (1x RH)
    Max Revive x1
    Professor Juniper x1
    Iris x2 (1x RH)
    Pokémon Communication x2
    Pokémon Catcher x1
    RH Cilan x1

  • Double Colorless x1
    Team Plasma Colorless x1
    Physic x10
    Grass x10


Get some stalling/minor damage pokémon out there while my Golurks/Virizion are getting set up, usually involves remaining at a low prize card level, unless the Golurks/Virizion is set up fast so I added the Iris's, and have won a few games with them :)

I'm still sorta new to Pokémon TCG wise and haven't invested a LOT of money into it yet so my card choice ATM is limited, but im hoping to buy some individual cards soon to help out my deck, thanks!