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Grass Tank Ideas

Which Idea is best?

  • First idea

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Second Idea

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Third Idea

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters

Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
Hey all, I'm currently running a grass deck that is way overrun with stage 2s and takes a long time to set up. I've been playing with/tweaking this deck for ~5months so I know it well enough to work it anyway that I want to, but when it comes down to it, the deck is just plain to slow and with people in my area getting more serious about their decks it won't stand a chance. The deck runs Meganium prime, Venusaur SV, Torterra PL and Tangrowth AR with lvX as the attackers and Roserade UL, Sunflora and Metapod as techs. Obviously this deck needs to not be played anymore, but I'm not sure who to run with and who to drop, so I've come up with a few ideas, all of which involve running something as a grass tank.

FIRST IDEA: Meganium/Tangrowth
*Saw this deck posted earlier, so I'm not taking credit for it, just trying to add a little diversity to suit my play style*

Main Attackers: Meganium Prime, Tangrowth (AR), Tangrowth (CoL)
Techs: Tangrowth lvX, Sunflora, Shaymin lvX, Cherrim SF, Metapod HGSS

Strategy: Tank with either Meganium or Tangrowth lvX with an ebelt+shaymin lvX set up for +60hp and ebelt+cherrim for +30dmg. Meganium set up would be 210hp, 110dmg (KO most sp's), Tangrowth would be 190hp, either 150dmg(AR) or ~100-160dmg(CoL). Do a solid 110 with Meganium, or keep Tangrowth healed at least above your opponent (and if he has 190hp that shouldn't be hard) to do 150 a turn with swallow up, or use Big growth to build up a CoL tangrowth for massive grind damage once you have energies in the discard. Open stalling with Jirachi and using 2 sunfloras, once you get most things set up, Seeker 1 sunflora up, and if you need the 2nd up as well Seeker that too.

Sample list:
3-2-1-1 Tangrowth (AR, CoL, lvX)
2-1-2 Meganium prime
2-2 Sunflora
1-1 Shaymin lvX
1-1 Cherrim SF
1-1 Metapod HGSS
4 Jirachi RR
Poke: 26
2x Seeker
1x Twins
1x Interviewer's Question
2x Level Max
3x Engineer's Adjustments
2x Rare Candy
2x Expert Belt
T/S/St: 13
3x DCE
10x Grass
Energy: 13
Open slots: 8


Main attackers: Venusaur SV
Techs: Sunflora, Shaymin lvX, Roserade UL, Skuntank G

Strategy: Tank with Venusaur with shaymin/ebelt for +60hp, giving him 200hp with only a +40 weakness, and an immunity to special conditions. Stall with Jirachi while you build up with Sunflora. Once you get everything set up (Venusaur, Skuntank G, Roserade) you will be doing 150dmg a turn with Venusaur's second attack, Special Reaction. 40base dmg + 40 from skuntank's poison + 40 from roserade's confuse + 20from ebelt + 10 from poison tick = 150dmg. Set up Energy Links on benched Venusaurs and Roserade to build Venusaur and still get the confuse effect from Roserade's pokepower.

Sample list:
4-3-3 Venusaur
2-2 Sunflora
1-1 Shaymin lvX
1-1 Roserade
4 Jirachi RR
2 Skuntank G
Poke: 24
2x Level Max
2x Rare Candy
4x Energy Link
2x Expert Belt
2x Twins
1x Interviewer's Question
3x BTS or Miasma Valley
T/S/St: 16
3x DCE
8x Grass
1x Rainbow
Energy: 12
Open Slots: 8


Main Attackers: Torterra UL, Torterra SF
Techs:Sunflora, Shaymin lvX

Strategy: Get out Sunflora to get Grotles set up, then evolve into Torterra SF to evolve everything at once. Start tanking with Torterra UL (200hp with ebelt/shaymin) and healing 60hp a turn or doing 100 if I need it. Torterra SF can hit decently hard as well, not to mention it can KO some dark types if I am having any issues with it.

Sample list:
4-3-2-1 Torterra (UL, SF)
2-2 Sunflora
1-1 Shaymin lvX
4 Jirachi RR
Poke: 20
2x Twins
1x Black Belt
3x Expert Belt
2x Level Max
2x Rare Candy
T/S/St: 10
4x DCE
6x Grass
Energy: 10
Open Slots: 20

So there are my ideas for some decent Grass Tanks. Which seem even remotely plausible? They all seem slow, so anyway to speed them up? Anyway to make one better? Are any straight up horrible?

Any feedback is good as far as I'm concerned with this thread.
I run your third option torterra, and have recently just added in the SF torterra and shaymin lvl X

Its a great deck, but add some cherubi / cherrim in aswell
these sit on your bench and remove 1 dmg counter a turn
I normally have

X1 Torterra active
X1 Shaymin X on bench (+40hp)
X2 Cherrim ( -20 dmg counters per turn)
X1 Sunflora (sunshine grace)
X1 Torterra (in-case active is knocked out)

The SF torterra is also great against t-tar prime match ups as the normal torterra struggles to knock it out, it does alot of damage and it's hard to keep up with healing

But with SF torterra on bench, can switch it to active (I run x3 switch and some seekers for emergency heal)

SF torterra will 1HKO t-tar prime, even with belt

Look in deck garage for my post about torterra tank and there is the decklist im running in there
I saw in your post you are using the Sunny Heal Cherrims, but why not use the Sunny Day Cherrims instead? Unless multiple sunny day's don't stack, it seems to me that they are better in every way. You are doing +20more damage, and therefore still healing for 20more with gigadrain (essentially the same effect as sunny heal, but you are also doing more damage). The seeker/switch suggestions have been noted. I thought about adding in some switch anyways, but never put it down. Also, how do you get around the x2 fire weakness on torterra UL? I would like to run a metapod in there since some people in my league have fire decks, but that kind of clashes with the cherrims, since unless I seeker sunflora I don't really have room on my bench.

Anybody have thoughts on the other two? I was debating running magmortar/seeker/BTS in the venusaur deck and taking out the roserades/energy links to get more damage (would be doing 190+burn a turn instead of 150) but I can't decide which would be better.
Sunny Day does stack, so having 4 of them in play would mean your {G} manz do 40 more damage. Just keep in mind that neither Sunny day, nor Shaymin will affect Torterra SF since it's Fighting, not Grass. I have an SF Infernape in one of my decks and I sometimes forget it does {F} damage, not {R} haha. Good thing I was attacking T-Tar Prime, too. Instead of hitting it for 80, I OHKO'd it!

Anyways, my vote is for Venusaur(I'm assuming you mean SV, not PL) simply because I don't think it sees the playtime it deserves. Green Aroma is AMAZING!
I realize this. Torterra SF is there simply for it's pokepower as a tech to build up fast if I get a bad hand, and as a tech against dark cards.

I don't see where I listed it as PL, but I do mean SV. Green Aroma is amazing, it gives my entire grass deck the same pokebody as steelix prime.

Umbretar and steelix would completely shut down the Venu deck though, and I have a friend that is currently building one of each, which makes me want to shy away from it.
will look into the different cherrims you mentioned running, definitly sounds more boss then the ones I am using :D

As for the fire weakness, you could run metapod if you wanted. I am lucky there is literally NO fire decks at all where I am (New Zealand)
like there is NONE at all hahaha. I know one person who runs Blaziken FB lvl X as a dialga tech and as a tech against vilegar...but that's 1 person, and it's only in 1 deck.

But I would say like you said, metapod ftw~
Have fun with your grass tank anyway :) I totally love grass pokemon!
Grass cards are beast, but often overlooked imo because they are so bulky and require so much preparation. Any thoughts on how to make any of these better? I know there are a lot of techs for grass cards or tanks in general, so if you have something let me know please.
We have a local player who runs a vespaqueen tank.
Vespaqueen SF does extra damage while losing, combined and heals/attacks for 70 a turn.
The newer vespaqueen prevents sniping to grass pokemon. Combined with a benched metapod and shayman X, it is quite the tank.
Also uses memory berry to use combee's 80 damage and posion attack (plus SF vespaqueen's body)
I know its not on your list, but maybe you can use something from that deck.
I've heard of vespiquen decks, and I thought they would be fun to play, but I don't see it as being a 'tank' deck. It doesn't seem like it can do enough damage, and it relies on losing to be super effective, which is never good.
For idea two, Energy Link won't work out. For one, Venusaur will have a belt on it, which is a Pokemon Tool. Energy Link is also a Pokemon Tool. You can't attach an Energy Link to a belted Venusaur.

Also, I would suggest adding a 1-1 line to all of your ideas. For one, I am assuming Charizard will get a boost in popularity after the rotation. While having a Weakness does not determine who will win (I should know; my sister played an all fire deck with her all water deck. She lost. Badly) It will annoy you.
"Also, I would suggest adding a 1-1 line to all of your ideas."

I'm assuming you mean a 1-1 metapod line, and it is something I am already debating, but these tanks already have so many techs sitting on the bench, bench space is rare.

I meant the benched venusaur, but I'm just now realizing that I won't be able to belt a venusaur that I built up using energy link.
That is exactly what I meant. I think I typed the wrong thing or something. I meant to 'I would suggest adding a 1-1 Metapod line to all of your ideas'
I would go with Meganium Prime tank. It's a little unorthodox, but it can have surprising success.

3 - 3 - 3 Meganium Prime
2 - 2 Blissey Prime
2 - 1/1 Cherrim SF/AR
1 - 1 Sunflora HS
2 - 2 Shaymin LV. X Land Form

Or some such Pokemon line. The idea is to do 100 damage with Meganium (With an expert belt) and tank with Shaymin, finally using its power to move energies to undamaged Pokemon to heal it with Blissey. Played with 3 Expert Belt, 4 Super Scoop Up, and 4 Seeker. Also speed Trainers like Poke Drawer + and Pokemon Communication.
The Blissey is an idea I hadn't thought of yet, Pokemunkulys. What is the point of the 1/1 cherrim line? Do you really think it is worth it to just run one of each?
The two Cherubi help guarantee a Cherrim SF, and there is no sense in running a 2 - 1 or 2 - 2 line, as the important thing is to hit 110 damage, the HP of SP LV. X's and Gengar.
Ah, that makes sense. Although, to be honest, nobody really runs sp around here. Most people I play (dorm mates mostly) play high hp stage 2s (tyranitar prime, shiftry rr, typhlosion hgss/prime, etc) and I am the only one that runs a gengar deck (although it isn't vilegar or lostgar), so the magic 110 is not super helpful to me, I just posted it because i thought it would grab people's attention.