Great card from DP5

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That's Right
Jirachi LV.42 – Steel – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[.] One Wish: Choose 1 card from your deck and shuffle the rest of your deck. Then, place the chosen card on top of your deck.
[M][M] Doom Desire: Discard all Energy attached to Jirachi. At the end of your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out.

Weakness: Fire (+20)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Now the thing that stands out to me about this card is it's usefulness through-out the whole game. As anyone can see, it's a great starter that can get you any card you need for no energies. But what about Doom Desire? I think it's amazing. It can take out any of your opponents big threats, die, and possibly you could still be able to abuse the Scrambles, with your opponent having nothing to fall back on. It could see play as a starter, or as a 1-2 tech to take out big hitters. Any opinions?
Your opponent could just retreat or Warp Point before it gets knocked out, but, it's first attack can benifit for a starter...
I somewhat agree with gallade01 but isnt that more set up for what the card is worth? i mean its only got 70 hp if they decide to sacrifice their attacker its a 1 hit ko
If he retreats, the new Defending Pokemon is knocked out. It says, "At the end of your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out".
Incorrect... when it says Defending Pokemon, it's like putting a KO counter on it that activates at the end of your opponent's next turn. Once retreated, it disappears. So... you'd have to stop them retreating.
Actually, Jirachi/Ariados could be a good idea. And yeah, maybe with a Kabutops or two, but doesn't Kabutops have to be active for it's Pokebody/Pokepower to work? =/.
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