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Green Plasma (Virizion EX / Genesect EX / Plasma)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Virizion ex
    3 Genesect ex
    4 Deoxys ex
    2 Lugia ex

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    4 Colress
    2 Shauna
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Shadow Triad
    2 Ultra Ball
    3 Plasma Ball
    1 G Booster (ACE)
    3 Colress Machine
    3 Frozen City
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Switch
    1 Super Rod

  • 10 Grass
    4 Plasma

This deck started as a Virizion/Genesect and made its way to a plasma variant. The main goal is to either set up a genesect or a lugia as soon as possible. The verdant wind helps with laser banks. The frozen city is a big drop on most decks. I'm not sure about the fan clubs... I wonder if it's worth the supporter for a turn or not.

But please, help out with some suggestions! Thanks!
RE: Green Plasma (virizion/Genesect+plasma)

i would suggest 1 Fan Club if you can fit it, it is pretty great. Though with a team plasma deck it might be less useful since plasma ball can freely grab any pokemon aside from virizion. You may also want to put in a few N. Its just too good to not put in. 4 Colress is also probably too much. You dont want to start with just colress.