Discussion Greninja Discussion Thread


Aspiring Trainer
My friend and I have been testing Greninja and find that it is to slow to set up and when it does get set up, your opponent had a solid set up and is to overwhelming.
Personally, I don't think Greninja and its BREAK are all that slow thanks to the new Frogadier's attack. Sure, you're still burning 2-3 turns setting up the Greninjas, but the payoff is well worth it. You have a consistent 60 + 20 + 20 attack costing only a single energy through the BREAKpoint Greninja and can still use Water Shuriken thanks to the XY Base Greninja. Greninja BREAK has a pretty powerful snipe ability as well, so between this, the regular Greninjas and the new Frogadier, it's the most efficient at taking down specific targets to the point where Lysandre may not even be necessary. My only gripes with the deck are that it doesn't like wasting time taking down Megas and the whole strategy for this deck revolves around abilities. I could honestly see it being a very legitimate deck in Expanded if it can get around Archeops.
You can get first turn water duplicates with Wally, so you can have all your Greninja on turn 2, maybe even a Greninja Break with another Wally.
With all the Wally, you need to run Octillery to have some draw.
Trevenant break, seismetoad (both of these decks get huge support from breakpoint) and hex maniac, sorry man but greninja has got some terrible matchups in standard and expanded.
This is one of those decks that needs the right build to do well. Here's my list (TCGone).

4-4-4-2 Greninja: (2/2 split of Water Shuriken and Moonlight Slash Greninja)
3-3 Octillery
1 Shaymin EX
1 Miltank (powerful friends)

4 Wally
3 Birch
2 Sycamore
1 Lysander
1 Delinquent (To punish anyone who uses stadiums)
2 VS Seeker
2 Trainers Mail
4 Ultra Ball
2 Dive Ball
3 Muscle Band
1 Switch
1 Escape Rope
1 Super Rod
1 Energy Retrieval

10 Water Energy

Octillery and Wally are the key cards here. Octillery gives the deck a consistent draw engine that can be used the same turn you wally. It lets you get set up much easier. And when you do, you can do a lot of damage.
With Frogadier, it does not matter if your opponent has a good set up. if you have 0-1 Frogadier prized you have a stream of Greninja going so it isn't a problem. Yesterday I went to a league challenge and got 2nd place. I only lost to a Mega Sceptile deck which won the League Challenge. After testing, the only other deck that destroys Greninja is BatMan. Siesmotoad isn't a big problem, Trevenant BREAK is about the same speed as Greninja BREAK, Vespiquen doesn't even need the weakness to do knockouts, etc. The match ups are great overall, except for BatMan and Mega Sceptile. For states, I am doing testing to make the odds 50-50 rather than 99-1.
It's a decent deck, far better than I thought it would be, but yeah any kind of ability lock can really drop its momentum if you haven't teched for it. Once Garbodor's out, for example, the deck just really slows down and there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of deck space for teching.