• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Grentank (Greninja / Miltank)


Taste the Rainbow
Pokemon: 18

  • 4| Froakie (KSS)
    4| Greninja (XY)
    4| Miltank (FF)
    2| Frogadier (XY)
    2| Electrode (PF)
    2| Voltorb (XY)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 4| Colress
    4| Professor Sycamore
    4| Rare Candy
    4| Ultra Ball
    2| Energy Retrieval
    2| Hypnotoxic Laser
    2| N
    2| Pokemon Fan Club
    2| Professor's Letter
    2| Skyla
    2| Startling Megaphone
    1| Sacred Ash
Energy: 11

  • 11| Water

Get out Greninjas as fast as possible, and use Water Shuriken to snipe opponents Pokemon. Meanwhile, mount offense with the 1 energy Powerful Friends attack from Miltank, dealing 80 when I have Greninjas on the field. Due to the reliance on energy and drawing, Superior Energy Retrieval and Electrode are added in, respectively.

I know that a lot of Greninja/Miltank decks use Muscle Band or Silver Bangle.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Grentank

It might just be me and my comp, but the green color you used makes it quite difficult to see all of your deck's details.
RE: Grentank

TuxedoBlack said:
It might just be me and my comp, but the green color you used makes it quite difficult to see all of your deck's details.

I would suggest mousing over it. It will go into default white text.

Also I think the card you are looking for is Silver Bangle.
RE: Grentank

I'll change the color to red then. Sorry guys. Also, yes the card was Silver Bangle, thanks.
RE: Grentank

IMO, a 1-1 Electrode line is too unreliable; I'd suggest you incorporate a 2-2 line just to enhance your chances of getting one on your bench.

With 4 Superior Energy Retrievals and 3 Ultra Balls, I'd also suggest you consider incorporating Exeggcute (I believe it is still legal); for Its Ability Propagation make it ideal for discard fodder.

Following are some suggested changes for your consideration:

  • -3 Level Ball - will rotate out
    -2 Super Rod - will rotate out
    +2 Pokémon Fan Club - Supporter to search and get up to 2 basic Pokémon and place them on your bench
    +1 Super Ash - to recover and recycle up to 5 Pokémon from your discard pile
    +1 Ultra Ball - Item to search for Poké

    -2 Professor's Letter - 2 should be sufficient, IMO
    -4 Superior Energy Retrieval - ALL of your attackers need 1 energy and you need to discard 2 other cards from hand
    +1 Voltorb
    +1 Electrode
    +2 Energy Retrieval - more efficient than SER for this deck, IMO (no prerequisite discard required)
    +2 Evosoda - to facilitate evolving faster since you are using Stage 1 Poké

    -4 W - 12 seem excessive
    +2 N - opponent's hand disruption and extra card-draw support
    +2 Skyla - Trainer search capability
I hope you find these comments helpful.

Personally, I think Lasers would actually be more beneficial than Muscle Bands since the Lasers can't be Megaphoned away and the inflicted Sleep condition can also buy you time sometimes.
1| You took out 15 for 14... xD
2| I'll try a few of the changes. Specifically, I dont like 4 Ns, I just dont like it. They end up being dead weight in my hand more often than not. Instead of Ns, I'll try Lasers if I can get my hands on them.
3| Honestly, I dont like Evosoda in this deck.