Grizzly's Greater Houston Area Cities Report


Alright, so I'm reporting two days of Cities reports, because I didn't make it back to the house until 2:30am after day one, due to other activities. Anyway, I'm playing BlazeChomp and here's what went down.

Day 1 - Pasadena, TX
Round 1 - Scizor Prime
Opponent got Scizor Prime out, but Blaziken said "OHAI!"


Round 2 - DialgaChomp
This was against captain.mongoose. It was, by far, the best game I've ever played. It was neck and neck the entire game, but he pulled off the win in sudden death. I could have donked him, but didn't get the needed energy.


Round 3 - FlyPhan
This match was a pain for me, because I just couldn't get set up.


Round 4 - Jumpluff
It got set up way quicker than I could


Round 5 - Steelix
Just like in opening round, Blaziken said hey.


Day two - Downtown Houston

Round 1 - Gengar
Typical Gengar vs SP matchup. Poltergeist, and Prime, and other pain in the ass.


Round 2 - Some kind of grass thing
Grass + Fire? Yeah...


Round 3 - Gyarados
Gyarados hit for lots of damage, one shotting almost everything.


Round 4 - Typhlosion Prime/Charizard
My Frost Rotom doubled as the fire counter for this deck. I was Jet Shooting everything, until Typhlosion Prime killed Blaziken. Rotom came up to finish the job.


Round 5 - Legends
Poor guy only had a lone Torchic start. Blaziken FB did nothing for 4-5 turns while I charged up Frost Rotom to one shot the Torchic.


Round 6 - DialgaChomp
DialgaChomp got set up faster than I could, even though my opponent took forever during their turns *glares at captain.mongoose*


Didn't do well enough to make top cut at all, either day.
RE: Grizzly's Cities Reports

Yeah, I will do better in the future. I'll post all my results of events in here, instead of making separate topics throughout the section.
RE: Grizzly's Cities Reports

Wait would I happen to know you because I went to the same first tourney as you did but I was in seniors. Good luck next time.
RE: Grizzly's Cities Reports

If you're in the Houston area, then yeah, you probably do know me. Did you go to the Downtown cities?
RE: Grizzly's Cities Reports

No but I did go to San Jacinto and won the hat.
Cities Report for New Year's Day - Deer Park/Pasadena/La Porte Texas area
Round 1 - AMU with Gardevoir
I got set up faster than he did, and I kept killing his pixies so he couldn't get all three out.


Round 2 - Jumpluff
It's Jumpluff. Not the first time I've played this person. She got set up way faster than I did.


Round 3 - Metagross
This is another person that I play a lot. I know his deck better than he knows it, and I know how to get around it.


Round 4 - VileGar
For the longest time, I was stuck in a trainer lock and had no way to get out. Once I did get out of it, there was a sigh of relief and somewhat got the match in my favor. Ended up losing by 1 prize.


Round 5 - Uh...
I, honestly, have no idea what the hell this thing was. There was Machop, Grumpig, Seviper. I was like "...Question mark?" I sat there and toyed with her like a cat with a ball of yarn and then decided to end it.


Hanging out with friends and playin some POKEMANZ!!!
captain.mongoose making 4-1, but not making top cut cause one of his opponents from previous rounds dropped
Surviving one Feinting Spell

Finishing somewhat poorly
Playing Gengar after praying I wouldn't have to
Losing two prizes on a Feinting Spell, cause he killed a belted DGX
eh whatever lol. And we found out that if Jon hadn't dropped, I would've made fifth, because the person ahead of me had also faced him. :/