• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Grizzly's Seaside Sell Shack


Location: United States(maybe to Canada)

Rules are simple
  • 1) Pokebeach rules apply
    2) I follow ref rule
    3) I do NOT ship overseas
    4) I will not sell bulk. So please don't ask.
    4) If you rip me, I will report you
    5) I ship whenever, not on a certain day
    6) I accept all forms of payment(especially cash)
    7) Have fun, and enjoy the tour

Complete SP Engine(for those who still collect out of format stuff) - make an offer

Shuckle HGSS15
TM Machamp
BW Throw
GS Sandslah RH
GS Hitmontop RH
BW Krookodile RH
ND Riolu x2 RH
ND Lucario x3

Gengar Prime
CoL Mie Jr.
BW Munna RH
BW Musharna RH
TM Banette
NV Solosis RH
UL Zubat RH
NV Reuniclus #53
NV Elgyem RH
ND Gardevoir x2 (1 RH)
ND Beheeyem x3 (1 RH)
ND Musharna x3
ND Kirlia x2 RH
ND Muk x2
ND Darmanitan x4 (2 RH)

Meganium Prime (promo)
UL Shaymin
UL Beedrill
GS Hoppip RH
UN Vileplume
GS Shuckle
BW Lilligant
BW Snivy #2 RH
UL Tropius RH
TM Volbeat RH
GS Spinarak RH
NV Lilligant RH
NV Dwebble RH
NV Leavanny RH
UN Pinsir RH
UN Oddish RH
UL Kakuna RH
GS Ariados
UN Gloom RH
ND Simisage x5 (2 RH)
ND Seedot RH
ND Amoongus x5 (2 RH)
ND Kricketune x2 RH
ND Pinsir x2

Feraligatr Prime x2 (promo)
UL Blastoise x3
UL Manaphy RH
GS Feraligatr x2
BW Samurott #31
UL Politoed
UL Poliwrath (tournament, forgot which one it was)
GS Lapras x2
GS Qwilfish RH
GS Slowbro RH
BW Alomomola #38 RH
GS Croconaw x2 RH
ND Cubchoo x2 RH
ND Beartic x2
ND Vanillite x2 RH
ND Vanillish x2 RH
ND Vanilluxe x2
ND Articuno
ND Simipour
ND Frillish x2 RH
ND Jellicent x2 RH
ND Basculin x2 RH
ND Starmie x2 RH
ND Lapras #26 RH
ND Lapras #25 x2

Ampharos Prime
Electrode Prime
BW Zekrom x3 (2 RH)
ND Luxray x4 (2 RH)
ND Luxio #44 x2 RH
ND Luxio #45 x2 RH
ND Shinx x43 RH
ND Shinx #42 RH
ND Zapdos x3
ND Emolga x2 RH
ND Zebstrika x2

BW Emboar #19
TM Rapidash RH
UN Magcargo x2
BW Reshiram RH(miscut)
ND Chandelure x4 (2 RH)
ND Lampent x2 RH
ND Pansear x2 RH
ND Semisear x2 (1 RH)
ND Arcanine #12 x3
ND Darmanitan RH
ND Arcanine #13 x2 RH
ND Moltres x2
ND Reshiram x2
TM Bronzong
NV Excavalier x3
ND Bronzor x2 RH
ND Bronzong x4 (2 RH)
GS Cleffa
ND Cinccino x2 (1 RH)
ND Persian x2
ND Wigglytuff x2
ND Jigglypuff RH
ND Pidove RH

ND Weavile x4 (2 RH)
ND Scrafty x2 RH

Other Good Stuff
Pokemon Emerald(still works and saves)
ND Prism Energy x9 (2 RH)
Pokemon Collector x10
Cilan x9
Level Ball x8 (1 RH)
Heavy Ball x10 (2 RH)
Exp. Share x8
Pokemon Center x8 (1 RH)
Sky Arrow Bridge x10
Lost World x3
RE: Grizzly's House of Waffles - What's on the menu?

How much for Palkia G LvX?
RE: Grizzly's House of Waffles - What's on the menu?

That work for you, Muddy?
RE: Grizzly's House of Waffles - What's on the menu?

Yeah, it does. Shoot me a PM.
RE: Grizzly's House of Waffles - What's on the menu?

New bump for week, updated inventory. I put all league promos together.