Ruling Gulpin- endure and poison


Aspiring Trainer
I'm trying to study up to pass the Pokemon Professor test, as I want to run my own league. After taking it without any studying, I got about half of the questions right and ran out of time! I have a lot of questions about the game, most of them concerning the specific questions that I got wrong. I hope that it's ok to answer questions that were on the test in this forum!

My first question involves Gulpin from the Arceus series. Gulpin has a max hp of 60 and has 50 hp left. Gulpin used Endure: Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, if Gulpin would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, Gulpin is not Knocked Out and its remaining HP becomes 10 instead. The coin flip was a heads, and the Gulpin is attacked next turn for 40 damage plus poison. I'm really confused as to what would happen to this Gulpin. Obviously, the 40 damage reduces the Gulpin to 10 hp, but then poison takes effect and reduces the hp to zero. At that point, does encore take effect and is Gulpin's hp replenished to 10? Then, would the Gulpin get knocked out in between turns?
We can't really help you, on here, answer your questions on your Professor Exam. This section is for Card Rulings & Game Mechanics, but I may be wrong.
You are correct Sleeping Snorlax. We don't answer questions from the Professor Exam.~KA
However, I will say that pretty much all the questions relating to Rulings can be answered merely by reading the card.
Read the text for Endure, then read the definition of Poison. I'm not going to tell you the answer (nor will anyone else), but you can figure it out.