Hello, I am fairly new to the competitive scene. I played in a very small laid back league last year, running a Vileplume Lock variant running Bellossom for an attacker. I had fondly called it "VileAwesome." I had decided to focus on YGO (my main game) and played less and less of Pokemon. With the release of the TCGO, I have been playing a lot more. I have decided to take the leap and get into the game more seriously and decided to run a new Trainer lock deck, using the Vileplume/Beartic combo along with Reuniclus to allow my Beartic to become nearly indestructible.
I call it...
Currently testing 1 Carnivine TR in place of the Sage's Training.
I call it...
3-3 Beartic EP (Sheer Cold)
3-2-2 Vileplume UD (Allergy Flower)
2-2-2 Reuniclus BW (Damage Swap)
2-2 Zoroark BW
2-2 Dodrio UD (Retreat Aid)
1 Zekrom BW
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
3 Twins
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
1 Sage's Training
4 Rainbow Energy
5 Water
Currently testing 1 Carnivine TR in place of the Sage's Training.