Pokemon: 20
Machop x2 (1 SF, 1 TU)
Machoke SF x2
Machamp SF x1
Machamp Prime x1
Magikarp x4
Gyarados x3
Sableye SF x3
Regice LA
Uxie LA x2
Azelf LA
Trainers: 26
Pokemon Rescue x3
Expert Belt x3
Seeker x3
Twins x2
Junk Arm x3
Bebe’s Research x2
Cynthia’s Feelings x2
Luxury Ball
Warp Point x2
Pokemon Collector x3
Broken Time Space x2
Energy: 14
Fighting x4
Warp Energy x4
Rescue Energy x3
DCE x3
The main aspects of this deck are 1-Hit KO's combine with Recycling...
I'm attempting a solid deck not only to counter Luxchomp but to be a major SP threat, for the recycling aspect if you discard a few Magikarp using Junk Arm (ie: x3 for 90 damage or x2 for 60 damage) from your hand after you have used 1 to evolve Gyarados which then makes it's "Tail Revenge" attack cost 0 Energy, if Gyarados is KO'd there are a few ways to recover it (recycle) like using Energy Recycle which will return Gyarados and Mapikarp to your hand or you can use Seeker combine with Warp Energy just Warp, Seeker to Heal, play Gyarados and you can retreat if necessary.
Now on to Machamp, obviously Machamp SF's "Take Out" is a 1 Energy auto KO for any SP as it's not evolved which is great in itself but also combine that with with Machamp Prime's high HP which makes him a difficult Pokemon to KO, plus factor is Machamp Prime's "Champ Buster" attack which does major damage (100+10 for any damage counter on your benched Pokemon) plus even more if you add in an Expert Belt also you may use the same idea with Machamp Prime as you did with Gyarados with the switch and heal tactic.
Anyway any thoughts/ideas/possible changes are welcome... thanx everyone... : D
Machop x2 (1 SF, 1 TU)
Machoke SF x2
Machamp SF x1
Machamp Prime x1
Magikarp x4
Gyarados x3
Sableye SF x3
Regice LA
Uxie LA x2
Azelf LA
Trainers: 26
Pokemon Rescue x3
Expert Belt x3
Seeker x3
Twins x2
Junk Arm x3
Bebe’s Research x2
Cynthia’s Feelings x2
Luxury Ball
Warp Point x2
Pokemon Collector x3
Broken Time Space x2
Energy: 14
Fighting x4
Warp Energy x4
Rescue Energy x3
DCE x3
The main aspects of this deck are 1-Hit KO's combine with Recycling...
I'm attempting a solid deck not only to counter Luxchomp but to be a major SP threat, for the recycling aspect if you discard a few Magikarp using Junk Arm (ie: x3 for 90 damage or x2 for 60 damage) from your hand after you have used 1 to evolve Gyarados which then makes it's "Tail Revenge" attack cost 0 Energy, if Gyarados is KO'd there are a few ways to recover it (recycle) like using Energy Recycle which will return Gyarados and Mapikarp to your hand or you can use Seeker combine with Warp Energy just Warp, Seeker to Heal, play Gyarados and you can retreat if necessary.
Now on to Machamp, obviously Machamp SF's "Take Out" is a 1 Energy auto KO for any SP as it's not evolved which is great in itself but also combine that with with Machamp Prime's high HP which makes him a difficult Pokemon to KO, plus factor is Machamp Prime's "Champ Buster" attack which does major damage (100+10 for any damage counter on your benched Pokemon) plus even more if you add in an Expert Belt also you may use the same idea with Machamp Prime as you did with Gyarados with the switch and heal tactic.
Anyway any thoughts/ideas/possible changes are welcome... thanx everyone... : D