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Gyarados Deck! (Masters, Cities)


I'd rather be lucky than good
I have been looking into Gyarados and I just love the speed it has. I also love hitting for massive damage for no energy. So here is my deck list. Any ideas to make it better? Help will be great.

3 Gyarados SF
4 Magikarp SF
1 Dialga G Lv.X PL
1 Dialga G PL
1 Regice LA
1 Crobat G PL
1 Smeargle UD
1 Mesprit LA
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
4 Sableye SF
1 Combee SF
1 Unown Q MD

3 Bebe's Search
1 Cynthia's Feelings
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Seeker
2 Volkner's Philosophy

3 Junk Arm
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Rescue
4 TGI Poke Turn
2 Super Scoop Up

Pokemon Tool:2
2 Expert Belt

3 Broken Time-Space

3 Rescue Energy
3 Warp Energy

It seems like a good deck so far. Just wondering if it will be fast enough to keep up with SP which is pretty dominant in my area. It seems to have little problems with VileGar with Dialga G but it is almost worthless in other situations so a card to do it's job but keep the pace fast would be helpful. All help will be taken into account. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
You don't need Dialga G X to fight Vilegar.
Regice and careful trainer handling will do the job.
@JaySamuel: Combee SF is in there to get a basic back on the bench. Have you seen the card? This isn't the one w/ Enraged Assault, you know.
Hmm, i'll think about taking out Mesprit but I can do without Smeargle. Thought he could portrait from bench. And what do you suppose I replace Dialga G set with? Another Regice?
I like the idea of Portrating from the bench, but, in complete honesty, it's wasted bench space. Oh, and add a few Crobat G for the Dialga G line, since its now your only SP. Another regice could be another option as well.
Well, I would portrait from bench but the text says he must be the active to use the power. And yeah i'll probably run 2 bats now and maybe some call's anyone? Would call help out
Play Collector over Call Energy and Sableye SF over Smeargle, as you can get Magikarp to your hand as well as Azelf or Regice. With Call Energy you'd have to put them directly onto the bench, and there is a smaller chance of getting out a Call Energy than either drawing a Collector or Impersonating a Collector.
I'd add in two Warp Points, to get kills you want to get. I'd say take out the Dialga G X line.
Okay i'll give that some testing. So far 2 bats is good. And maybe on the Luxrays. Hopefully I can get one. And only 4 poke turn even with Luxray??

P.S. I like you caption Pokeman. Father God is the win.