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gyarados for cities and on (seniors)


Aspiring Trainer
pokemon x23

gyarados x3
Magikarp x4
sableye x4
regice x1
crobat g x2
Uxie x2
unown q x1
azelf x1
donphan prime x1
phanpy x1
Blissey Prime x1
chansey x1
combee x1

T/S/S x31
BTS x3
poketurn x4
pokemon rescue x2
poke drawer x4
pokemon collector x2
Twins x1
luxury ball x1
pokemon communication x2
Bebe's search x2
cyrus' conspiracy x1
seeker x1
SSU x1
junk arm x3
expert belt x2
warp point x1
cynthias feeling x1

energy x6
rescue energy x2
warp energy x2
fighting energy x2

there are lots of luxchomp running around my area. so strategy is to get gyarados out with a rescue and e- belt on and swinging for 110. u can also set up the donphan fast with the cyrus and two energy i put in there
RE: gyarados for cities and on

You're also going to need your Division in the Title as well.

dmaster out.