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Gyarados needs some tweeking ASAP!! seniors States/Regionals/Grinders for worlds

The Wii Man1234

Still aginst 1st turn trainers!!!!
This is my second attempt at a gyarados build, I want it to be able to play steelix and win, and play vilegar and win, I have 6 spots to tech in cards to help me with these match-ups, I have tried DGX, but it seems that Steelix can play around it, and that Vilegar just level-downs it at the first oppertunaty, or lost zones it, so please help!

Stage 1: 3
3 : Gyarados, SF-19
Basic: 17
1 : Registeel, LA-39
1 : Regice, LA-36
4 : Magikarp, SF-65
1 : Azelf, LA-19
1 : Mesprit, LA-34
2 : Uxie, LA-43
1 : Unown Q, MD-49
1 : Combee, SF-57
3 : Sableye, SF-48
2 : Smeargle, UD-8

Trainers: 13
2 : Pokemon Rescue, PL-115
4 : Junk Arm, TM-87
2 : Pokemon Communication, GS-98
4 : Super Scoop Up, UL-83
1 : Luxury Ball, SF-86
Pokemon Tools: 2
2 : Expert Belt, AR-87
Supporters: 11
1 : Volkner's Philosophy, RR-98
2 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
4 : Seeker, TM-88
4 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97
Stadiums: 3
3 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

Special Energy: 5
2 : Warp Energy, SF-95
3 : Rescue Energy, TM-90
The stratagy is to use junk arm or regis to discard the carps, and try to start swinging for at least 60 damage T1, T2. The seeker, junk arm+SSU, and SSUs are all to either lock powers with mesprit, or to help heal gyarados. So please help me with this deck!

Bump!! come on, no one has got anything to say, or is my list perfect!
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why run 1 Registeel? Could you run 2 Regice or does Registeel have some secret bonus?
the registeel question I get A LOT so don't feel bad, the registeel is an option to discard INSTEAD of Regice, because I found that my brother would just (when I still needed to discard carps, and didn't have a junk arm or was under deafen lock) would just send out a something good (EX DGX, or garchomp X to reset dragon rush) and let me help him retreat it.
Registeel is for SP decks, when you don't want to switch the Defending Pokemon. Sometimes, you'd want to KO their active Luxray or Garchomp, for example (or the reason that The Wii Man stated).

-1 Smeargle

+1 Pokemon Rescue

Even with three Rescue Energy, having at least 3 Pokemon Rescue is still consistent in case you cannot attach Rescue Energy on to Gyarados.
You might want to consider these cards to fill those spots.

Uxie Lv.X (great for drawpower, you run Warp and Unown Q for retreating, surprisingly good attacker as well for things that have <60 HP and/or Pixies)

Call Energy (amazing for fixing starts and getting some basics on the field to prevent a donk)

Other cards could be upped in amount such as Expert Belt, Warp Energy, Bebe's Search, and Pokemon Communication strictly for consistency as well.

dmaster out.
+2 crobat g
+4 poketurn

having the ability to do a little extra damage can seriously save you at times
they are needed in the deck in my opinion
especially vs steelix

also just a question, how does dgx even matter vs steelix?
@ dmaster
LOL I think I forgot to put I don't have a uxie X on the top sorry :D
@ LegosLock
please give a reason
@ Spidy Freakshow
It prevents the poison, (or they poison them selves which really hurts the deck) and once poision is stoped even when belted the steelix can't then OHKO you.
@ all
I just really want to know what I should put to counter 3 spesific matchups: steelix, mirror, and Vilegar
It helps, if you do 90 with TR, then you can Collector for the 2 Crobats and kill it to make feinting spell fail. Or, instead of attaching an Ebelt to help kill Lux X/Garchomp X, you can just Flash Bite + Poketurn.
If your worried about Gengar Vileplume, play Luxray GL/ Or Dialga. Since your seeing alot of that and mirror, it's best to have a 4th Rescue Energy, just in case they kill you, (besides feinting spell) you can easily get back Gdos. Especially since you only play 2 Pokemon Rescue. Rescue energy is better in the VileGar matchup though.
Luxray is good in the VileGar match up to help BL the Vileplume and kill it.
Seeker isn't THAT needed. and in order to heal Gyarados with Seeker, you have to have Warp Energy, (unless you want to manually retreat..?) and with only 2, it doesn't happen often, does it?
If they Bright Look your Regice/Registeel, you are screwed if you don't have Warp Energy/SSU.
The third Warp can really help, and Seeker isn't always helpful, because it can also help your opponent.
Ok, I am thinking to add a 1-1 DGX line, is there anything that I should put to make the line more useable, or efficent