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Gyarados (Seniors, City Championships)


uhhh idk
Pokemon: 24
3 Gyarados SF
4 Magikarp SF
4 Sableye SF
2 Smeargle UD
1 Regice LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Uxie Lv.X LA
2 Uxie LA
1 Mesprit LA
1 Combee SF
1 Unown [Q] MD
1 Ditto LA
1-1 Staraptor FB X

Trainers: 30
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
4 Hunter
3 Broken Time-Space
2 Expert Belt
4 Junk Arm
4 Super Scoop Up
3 Pokemon Communication
1 Volkner's Philosophy
1 Palmer's Contribution

Energy: 6
3 Rescue
3 Warp

Strategy: You should know by now.
Why palmers?
Also where are your Pokemon rescue?
-1 SSU
( YOu already have 4 Hunter and you can get SSU back with junk arm)
-1 Palmers
+2 Pokemon Rescue, Rescue NRG doesn't work alltime.
Sableye AND Smeargle? I would pick one, using both seems kinda like a waste.
You want as much consistency yet you play absolutely NO CALL?! Balderdash.

I would consider taking out the Smeargle, a Junk Arm (three is enough IMO, the fourth can clog) for three Call Energy. These should help your starts much more than another starting Pokemon (that you may or may not get regardless). Also a Luxury Ball would work wonders in here too (you can chain with Junk Arm as well). I would consider taking out a Volkner's for it. You run Regice and three Junk Arm, that's good enough to get Karps in there.

dmaster out.
Staraptor is useless here. No doubts.
Set up a Gyarados is rather difficult (you need at least 2/3 turn to do it), and if you wanna play also Staraptor FB it becomes impossible. Gyarados needs supporters ONLY in early game, and Sableye/Smeargle gives them. Late game you draw. You discard with Junk Arm and with Uxie you draw a lot, Seekers come very quickly.
Ditto without Rainbow Energies? There aren't so many Gyarados deck... or I think, but here in Italy we have just one Gyarados player (about seniors). In Master someone with MewDos, but not more than 2/3.