• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Gyardos Control (It beats Gengar AND luxray AND jumpluff)


Aspiring Trainer
3 feraligatr prime hgss
3 croconaw hgss
3 totodile hgss
4 spiritomb ar
1 azelf
4 magikarp hgss
4 Gyrados Hgss
2 Manaphy Hsu
4 Groudon Kyogre legend
3 interviewers questions
1 cheerleader
3 oak's new theory
1 fisherman
4 bebe's search
1 pokemon collector
1 twins
3 pokemon communication
16 water energy
- I also have 2 kingdra primes
Thanks alot to anyone who helps!!!{:

Think about the metagame decks: Flygon, Luxchomp, Lostgar, Jumpluff... what do they all have in common? They use a scant amount of energy! What does Gyarados do? Burn through that energy! Even if ur opponent attaches an energy next turn, he is depriving his bench of that energy. Your opponent has two options: keep recharging the active and render the bench unable to fight or just sit still and keep taking hits because he isnt drawing energy. Kyogre makes sure that your opponent doesn't draw those energies.Open with spiritomb to get gyardos out swinging. Gyaradose is a stage one and combined with spiritomb you can get him out in no time Makigarp has only 30 Hp so dont get caught with him out when your opponent is ready to attack. Try to evolve him with spiritomb on the turn you play him. Best of all Gyarados is easy to get!

Look I know this looks unconventional and i guess it is but I beat everyone with this deck. No kidding it won me city champs and two battle roads! You may have trouble at first but give it time, tweak the deck and KEEP YOUR COOL! The worst thing for this deck is to panic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'll be honest, I can shift this in with my Zard deck easily, without any consistency loss because Typhlosion Prime has a guaranteed energy eater, accelerates itself, and hits for a decent 70 damage in the process. I've locked a couple players like that, and forced others to make mistakes to avoid the energy lock after the "correct" play of usually a key snipe.

As for your deck, more T/S/S for consistency I think, this really seems like a strange rain dance deck otherwise, just play it as such, consider a kingdra prime tech.
Think about the metagame. What if you run up against a fully fledged Gdos tail revenge deck?

Can you outspeed all the other metadecks?
How would i add the kingdra and thanks for the comment! All help is welcome

also i like this better than typhlosion because gyrados does 80 damage, doesnt require a coin flip, and is quicker to play.

I though about revenge tail. Honestly, I'm really not that scared of stormfront gyrados because there's a lot of ways to foul up that deck's strategy. I'm only worried about that deck if it has luxray in it and nobody has luxray in those decks because everyone with luxray plays luxchomp. Besides i tested against the world champ decks. Gardevoir gave me some trouble, but happy luck (revenge tail), jumpluff, and luxchomp did not.
Don't forget those decks do have rotated out cards.
And i think you don't know how to play those decks correctly.
This deck doesn't beat any of those decks in the title. You don't even run Uxie, yet you run Cheerleaders cheer in Gyarados.
You're going to need to organize the decklist better or this thread will be locked.