BW/BW2 Gym Buildings: Finding Them Is Half The Battle?


But Super Effective Nonetheless
As different sources have shown, the "Gyms" (if that's what they are) of Isshu seem to be located in random buildings. It's possible that in a similar fashion to the Anime's Battle Frontier, stumbling across these areas may be an activity in itself. I've been thinking that if this New Nation we're in is supposed to different from Japan,and be culturally different, it probably won't conform to the Dojo-inspired Gym motif...and maybe the title of Leader will be used in a different way.

Any thoughts?
I really like this idea.:)

Just one thing. If this is true, I hope they don't take it to the extreme and make finding the gyms nearly impossible.

I can see it now:
"To find _____ Gym go down main street, go in the restaurant, go up the stairs, go out the fire escape, take a left down the ally. On the 3rd door on your left, knock 4 times. The password to get in is 'Honolulu choo choo'"


A bit much, but you get my point.
that would be nice.
@howelllawson: I can see the third story of the resturant thing realistically happening, but the rest I can't (like you said)
I like the idea of having to find gym leaders. "Go to the treehouse deep within the Heracross forest and there you will find the bug gym leader"
This would be cool, and I'd also like some of the gym puzzles to get to the gym leader to be more challenging.
lol what if you can never find them you'd have to ask for directions from some random on the street and you'll go to where he says and you still can't find and be like "Stuff it I'm going to catch a zubat."
This idea is awesome the gyms to be deep inside a place taht only one knows where it is then ask him and he/she tells you.but i would like taht you meet a gym leader while training o the wildnnes and battle him/her
The idea crossed my mind too. Wasn't it shown that the "honey-comb gym" was located in the upper left of the map? I think that was from a second-party mag which was just speculating though. Also it'd be quite a trek if we're right in assuming the bottom-right area of the map is the starting town.
ive been circling of what might be gyms.