Gym Leader Battle (Alternate Format Idea)


Aspiring Trainer
Hi all, I'm relatively new to the TCG and would like to know if anyone would be interested in working with me to build on, test, and play an idea for a new "casual" format for the PTCG which I have named the Gym Leader Battle format (name is subject to change). I didn't see a particular forum that addresses unsanctioned formats, so I decided this forum is as good as any.

(If this isn't the right place for this kind of discussion, please relocate my thread)

I'd like to make a format that is similar to the Commander format in Magic: The Gathering, and given that Pokemon has an even greater emphasis on players identifying with individual creatures, I think it could really work. But I would also like it to feel as much like a Pokemon adventure as possible too, where each player is an aspiring gym leader battling each other for badges and meeting new Pokemon along the way. Here are my initial ideas:

-Deck Construction-

1. Players build a 99 card singleton main deck, with these exceptions:

-Basic energies
-Cards that specifically allow more than one copy
-Players may include up to 4 of a pokemon with the same name, but each card must be unique (not just alternate arts, reprints, etc)

2. Players build two other smaller decks; the first is the Starters deck, the second is the Evolutions deck.

-A player's Starters deck is 5 cards. Each card must be a unique, basic non-EX pokemon. Each card must not share a name with another card in the Starters deck.

-A player's main deck and Starters deck may not share exact copies of the same card, but may share names

-A player's Evolutions deck does not have a set size, but must include exactly one evolution line, excluding Mega and Lvl. X evolutions, for each basic pokemon in a player's Starters deck. For example, if a player's Starter deck includes Squirtle, Misdreavus, and Tauros, you would include a Wartortle, Blastoise, and Mismagius in your Evolutions deck (no evolution for Tauros).

3. Players may only include Pokemon and energies in their main deck which match an energy type found in a player's Starters deck, plus colorless. I.e., if your Starters deck includes fire and water type pokemon, you may include fire, water, and colorless type pokemon and energies in your main deck.


1. To begin the game, players shuffle their Starters deck, draws three Starters, and chooses one of them to be their active pokemon, placing the card face down.

2. Players simultaneously reveal their chosen active Starter.

3. Players then search their Evolutions deck for the appropriate evolution line for their Starter (if any), show those cards to their opponent, and add those cards to their starting hand.

4. Players draw their initial 7 cards and play proceeds as normal, except player place 8 prizes face down instead of 6.

5. When a player takes their 3rd and 6th prize, the opponent reveals three Starters from the top of their Starters deck, chooses one, and adds it to their hand. The opponent then searches their Evolutions deck for the appropriate evolutionary line, reveals those cards, and adds them to their hand (if any).

So those are my initial rules! I welcome any interest and criticism you all might have.
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Moved from the TCG Help & Advice to the TCG News & Discussion as the OP is discussing a way to play the TCG opposed to looking for advice on playing the (traditional) TCG.