gym set?



Does anyone think that there will be a new gym set? or at least gym leader's cards? (kind of like the "G" cards)
I would bet you my arm, since there are already a bunch of their scans on the first page. Instead of saying Whatever's Whatever, they just put GL (Gym Leader) after the cards name.
And they all fit under the SP-Pokemon category.

Great... Just what we needed.
SP is going to be a huge force to be reconed with. I wonder if they'll make specific cards for Pokemon "G", "GL" and "4", because the way it is shaping up now, its looking scary.
I bet you that they will. Team Galactic, Gym Leaders, and the "4" will have separate trainer cards that'll attribute to them. The G-Inventions only work for G Pokemon I believe. I've looking at these cards and they hardly look of any worth. These fast Pokemon hardly deal high damage...

Boy, I picked an excellent time to come back into the TCG.
Actually, those inventions specify "SP-Pokemon". Which means they DO work for them. Particulary Energy Gain is scary.
If it makes you guys feel any better, they all have x2 weaknesses.

Zyflair said:
Boy, I picked an excellent time to come back into the TCG.
I know, right? Me too.