Friend Code: 3540 - 0142 - 5862
Time Zone: Eastern Standard (USA)
Times Available: Generally after 6pm
-MANY 5 and 6 IV level 1 Adamant Honedge (breeding for a shiny)
*NOTE* One parent of the Honedge was a hacked ditto to be Japanese and with 6 IVs
-Many other hacked pokemon
Services Offered:
I'm willing to create a custom hacked pokemon (gen V or earlier) with perfect IVs/EVs
I will also breed a pokemon for you using my hacked Jap ditto (not for a shiny... takes too long) to give you an egg with good IVs.
-Bunnelby/Diggersby with Huge Power
-Shiny Meowstic (M) with Prankster
Or safaris with these pokemon.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard (USA)
Times Available: Generally after 6pm
-MANY 5 and 6 IV level 1 Adamant Honedge (breeding for a shiny)
*NOTE* One parent of the Honedge was a hacked ditto to be Japanese and with 6 IVs
-Many other hacked pokemon
Services Offered:
I'm willing to create a custom hacked pokemon (gen V or earlier) with perfect IVs/EVs
I will also breed a pokemon for you using my hacked Jap ditto (not for a shiny... takes too long) to give you an egg with good IVs.
-Bunnelby/Diggersby with Huge Power
-Shiny Meowstic (M) with Prankster
Or safaris with these pokemon.