• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

H: Gengar Prime and more! W: Kingdra Prime and more! Major Update!


Needs a new user title.
Hey Pokebeach, it's nabby101! I haven't been very active on here lately, but now I'm going to make a new trade list. First, some rules:

1. All Pokebeach Forum and Trading Corner rules apply.
2. Ref rule always apply's.
3. If you have any negative refs, you send first, I don't care what excuse you've got.
4. I am in CANADA, so if you don't send there don't post in my thread!
5. I will ship anywhere in Canada and the USA.
6. My cards are Mint unless stated otherwise. I expect that yours are too.
7. I only accept English Tournament legal cards. No World Championship, or anything of the sort.
8. I will CYL, although most of what I want is in my WANTS.
9. Have fun! That's what Pokemon's all about, right?


My cards are not in an order of how much I want them, they are alphabetically.

Lots of the cards I want are foil upgrades. Most of them I can trade normal versions of the card in addition to some other cards in exchange for the foil versions.


4x Horsea (UL Reverse holo)
1x Kingdra Prime (UL)
2x Phanphy (HS Reverse holo)
4x Seadra (UL Reverse holo)


1x Judge (UL preferably reverse holo)
2x Junk Arm (UD preferably reverse holo)
2x Pokemon Collector (HS preferably reverse holo)
2x Rare Candy (UL)
2x Sage's Training (UD Preferably reverse holo)


1x Palmer's Contributions (SV Reverse holo)
2x Pokemon Communicator (HS Reverse holo)
2x Professor Oak's New Theory (HS Reverse holo)
1x Twins (UD Reverse holo)


None right now.


Xx HeartGold Soulsilver/Call of Legends Energy (Water/Fighting if possible, if not it's still cool.) (Throw some in and I'll give you a free rare/holo/reverse holo from a set between Majestic Dawn and Black and White.)


Ask for uncommons/commons.


Absol G Lv.X (SV)
Drapion Lv.X (PT)
Floatzel GL Lv.X (RR)
Gengar Prime (TM)
Hippowdon Lv.X (RR)
Lugia LEGEND (HS Top Half)
Meganium Prime (HS Pack)
Palkia Lv.X (Promo)

HeartGold Soulsilver: Triumphant:

2x Banette (#14)

HeartGold Soulsilver: Undaunted:

Fortress (#3 Holo)

HeartGold Soulsilver: Unleashed:

Kingdra (#17)

HeartGold Soulsilver:

Ninetales (#7 Holo)
Noctowl (#8 Theme deck rare?)
Sandslash (#29 RH)
Sunflora (#31)
Typhlosion (#32 Theme deck holo)

Platinum: Arceus:

Kabutops (#4 Holo)
Mothim (#6 Holo)
Probopass (#7 Holo)
Tangrowth (#10 Holo)
2x Toxicroak (#11 1x Holo 1x RH)
Gengar (#17)
Glalie (#18)
Lopunny (#21)
Manectric (#22)
4x Pelipper (#24 3x Rare 1x RH)
Pichu (#25)
Raticate (#29)
Fire Arceus (#AR3 Holo)
Fighting Arceus (#AR8 Holo)

Platinum: Supreme Victors:

Absol G (#1 RH)
Drifblim FB (#3 Holo)
Magmortar (#6 Holo)
Metagross (#7 RH)
Rayquaza C (#8 Holo)
Regigigas FB (#9 Holo)
Staraptor FB (#11 Holo)
Camerupt (#18)
Empoleon FB (#27)
Exploud (#28)
Mawile (#33)
Mr. Mime (#37)
Shedinja (#44)

Platinum: Rising Rivals:

Shiftry (#13 RH)
2x Aggron (#14)
Drapion 4 (#17)
Espeon 4 (#18 RH)
Gastrodon East Sea (#21 RH)
2x Gastrodon West Sea (#22)
2x Hippowdon (#25)
Mr. Mime 4 (#28 RH)
Rypherior 4 (#32 Theme deck holo)
Vespiquen 4 (#35)
Yanmega 4 (#37 RH)
Infernape 4 (#43 RH)


Blastoise (#2 Holo)
Giratina (#9 RH)
2x Rampardos (#13 1x Holo 1x RH)
Shaymin (#14 Holo)
Beautifly (#21)
Dugtrio (#24)
Empoleon (#26)
Giratina (#27)
Golduck (#29)
Gyarados G (#30)
3x Ninetales (#36)
Toxicroak G (#40)

Diamond and Pearl: Stormfront:

Regigigas (#9 Holo)
Sceptile (#10 Theme deck rare)
2x Torterra (#11 Holo)
Abomasnow (#12)
4x Bronzong (#13)
Cherrim (#14 RH)
Drapion (#15)
3x Machamp (#20 1x RH 2x Rare)
Rapidash (#22)
3x Roserade (#23)
Scizor (#25)
3x Skuntank (#26 1x RH)
2x Sableye
10x Magikarp

Diamond and Pearl: Legends Awakened:

3x Gliscor (#5 3x Theme deck rare)
Heatran (#6 Holo)
3x Mamoswine (#9 2x Holo 1x Theme deck Rare)
Delcatty (#23)
Groudon (#29)
Heatran (#30 Theme deck holo)
Poliwrath (#35)
Regirock (#38)
Shedinja (#40)
Vileplume (#45)

Diamond and Pearl: Majestic Dawn:

Cresselia (#2 Holo)
Zapdos (#14 Holo)
Empoleon (#17)
Espeon (#18 RH)
Hippowdon (#21 RH)
Infernape (#22)
2x Chatot (#55)

Diamond and Pearl: Great Encounters:

3x Exploud (#17)
Primeape (#27)
Slowking (#28)

Diamond and Pearl: Secret Wonders:

Flygon (#5 Holo)
Ludicolo (#13 Holo)
Golduck (#28)
3x Magmortar (#31 1x Theme deck holo, 1x RH, 1x Rare)
2x Wormadam Sandy Cloak (#42 1x RH)

Diamond and Pearl: Mysterious Treasures:

Bronzong (#6 Holo)
Meganium (#13 RH)
Bastiodon (#21 Theme deck holo)
Kricketune (#27)
Walrein (#39)

Diamond and Pearl:

Rhyperior (#12 Holo)
Roserade (#13 Holo)
Torterra (#17 Theme deck holo)
Heracross (#28)
Hippowdon (#29)


Yanmega (#5 Rare)


Regigigas (#4 Rare)

In-Format Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums/Energy: (Still updating)

Volkner's Philosophy (RR #98)
Bebe's Search (SW #119 RH)
Poketurn (PT #118)
2x Pokedex (PT #114 1x RH)
2x Warp Point (MD #88)

Rescue Energy (TM #102)
Warp Energy (SF #95)

Out of Format Trainer/Supporters/Energy:

4x Roseanne's Research (SW)
2x Night Maintenance (MT)
Multi Energy (EX Emerald RH)

Happy trading!

RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Approved. Please make sure you reread the rules if you have not already done so.

Thank you.

RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

my rh phanpy hs your toxicroak ar (reverse is prefered)
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Please CML for Lux X

I have unlisted:

1 Sage's Training Rev
2 Judge Rev
1 Darkrai G Rev
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

My x3 Donphan HGSS (1 League Promo)

Your: Torterra D&P Deck holo

RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

I have:

1x Twins (TR Reverse holo) ***
1x Bastiodon GL
1x RH Judge

I need:

Luxray GL X

Please Check My List (CML) for your other wants.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Infernape1010 said:
my rh phanpy hs your toxicroak ar (reverse is prefered)
No thanks.

Darkvoid57 said:
Please CML for Lux X

I have unlisted:

1 Sage's Training Rev
2 Judge Rev
1 Darkrai G Rev
Sorry didn't see anything.

Gengar_is_Pwnage said:
My x3 Donphan HGSS (1 League Promo)

Your: Torterra D&P Deck holo

No thanks that's not the Donphan I need.

Techdeck101 said:
I have:

1x Twins (TR Reverse holo) ***
1x Bastiodon GL
1x RH Judge

I need:

Luxray GL X

Please Check My List (CML) for your other wants.
Sorry man didn't see enough for Lux.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Gengar Prime ™
Floatzel GL Lv.X (RR)
Hippowdon Lv.X (RR)
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

safariblade said:
Gengar Prime ™
Floatzel GL Lv.X (RR)
Hippowdon Lv.X (RR)
Copy and pasted from your thread:

"4. Currently, IONLY trade within the continental USA"

Disregarding that, the only thing I saw was your Super Rare Pot of Avarcie (YGO), which isn't enough for any of those cards. Thanks for your time though.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

My bad ;]
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

ok then howabout my darkriG for your jirachi rr
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Infernape1010 said:
ok then howabout my darkriG for your jirachi rr
Nah. Don't need Darkrai that bad, and I'd rather trade for it in a deal involving my reverse. Also, it's too small a trade, not worth it to pay shipping.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

mlouden03 said:
do you have any dp-ge x's?

Used to have some of the Starters, but traded them all away. Sorry.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Welcome to the Beach, fellow Canadian! :-D

I have from your Wants!
2x Junk Arm (UD Reverse holo) ***
4x Rescue Energy (UD Reverse holo) ***
1x Twins (UD Reverse holo) ***
1x Nidoking (RR #29) (both RH & NH, just LMK which one you'd prefer)

I'm interested in your!
Lugia LEGEND (HS Top Half)
Ninetales HGSS (#7 Holo)
Jirachi RR (#7 Holo)
Espeon MD (#18 Reverse holo)
Meganium (#13 Reverse holo) MT (are you sure this is MT? I don't think there's a Meganium in MT...)

Please CML & LMK if we can work something out. Thanks!
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Hikikomori-san said:
Welcome to the Beach, fellow Canadian! :-D

I have from your Wants!
2x Junk Arm (UD Reverse holo) ***
4x Rescue Energy (UD Reverse holo) ***
1x Twins (UD Reverse holo) ***
1x Nidoking (RR #29) (both RH & NH, just LMK which one you'd prefer)

I'm interested in your!
Lugia LEGEND (HS Top Half)
Ninetales HGSS (#7 Holo)
Jirachi RR (#7 Holo)
Espeon MD (#18 Reverse holo)
Meganium (#13 Reverse holo) MT (are you sure this is MT? I don't think there's a Meganium in MT...)

Please CML & LMK if we can work something out. Thanks!
Hey other Canadian!
Meganium is definitely from MT, I double checked the Pokebeach scans. For the Nidoking, I'd prefer non-holo. I didn't see anything else in your list. Go ahead and make an offer.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Wow, I didn't even realize that there was a Meganium from MT. Well, I don't need that then, lol. Just trying to get some Meganiums for a friend.

How about...

3x Junk Arm (UD Reverse holo)
1x Rescue Energy (UD Reverse holo)
1x Twins (UD Reverse holo) ***
1x Nidoking (RR #29) NH

1x Lugia LEGEND (HS Top Half)
1x Ninetales HGSS (#7 Holo)
1x Jirachi RR (#7 Holo)
1x Espeon MD (#18 Reverse holo)

LMK or counter, thanks!
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Hikikomori-san said:
Wow, I didn't even realize that there was a Meganium from MT. Well, I don't need that then, lol. Just trying to get some Meganiums for a friend.

How about...

3x Junk Arm (UD Reverse holo)
1x Rescue Energy (UD Reverse holo)
1x Twins (UD Reverse holo) ***
1x Nidoking (RR #29) NH

1x Lugia LEGEND (HS Top Half)
1x Ninetales HGSS (#7 Holo)
1x Jirachi RR (#7 Holo)
1x Espeon MD (#18 Reverse holo)

LMK or counter, thanks!
No thanks. I value the cards of mine around $15, and the cards of yours around $9. Besides, the cards you offered are low wants, and with Lugia being my only LEGEND, I probably don't want to part with it easily.
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Any trade we could do involving just the Jirachi & Ninetales then?
RE: Nabby's New Trade Thread - H: Luxray GL LV.X and more! W: Kingdra Prime

Well then the trade gets kinda small. I guess we could do:


Ninetales (HS Holo)
Jirachi (RR Holo)

For your:

3x Junk Arm (UD RH)
1x Twins (HS RH)
1x Nidoking (RR NH)
