• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

[H]Palkia G Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X and more[W]will trade any cards for Luxray GL Lv.X and to CYL

Which Deck should i use, Legos or BlazikenFB?

  • BlazikenFB Lv.X

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Lego's

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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lets trade(look below for details).

I WILL Check Your List, but you'll get a better and faster response if you also have checked mine and tell me what you have to offer that's on my want lists.

Unless stated otherwise, the cards I send will be in near-mint condition or better (no wear or creases) and I expect the same.

I'll mail to you in toploaders and sleeves and expect you to do the same.

At this point, I'm just trading inside the US.

Please, make your initial offers in my thread, don't PM me until we're working out details or sending addresses.

I will trade for cards from other languages, and sometimes prefer JPN, but YOU MUST IDENTIFY CARDS IN OTHER LANGUAGES DURING OUR NEGOTIATIONS, as they often have lesser trade value and affect the trade. I will ALWAYS ID the language my cards are printed in before we close the deal so you know what you're getting (Seems obvious, doesn't it???)!
Here is a link to my refs, : http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=44795

Im needing the Luxray GL Lv.X ASAP so if i work out a trade with someone i need the shipping to be first class(i will work out the issue with the extra money for shipping later)

I will begin listing sets soon so make sure to check back.

All Around wants:
Lucario EX(Jpn Promo)
Umbreon Plushie

LUXRAY GL LV.X!!!(will trade tons for this, my highest want!!!!111!!!1!!)
Cyrus's ConspiracyXx
Platinum/RR/SV/Ar-on Packs(in sections of 2 or more)
P.S. Even though Candys and Rosies are on my deck wants list im not going to trade a Lv.X for them b/c i lose to much money.

Note: All my stuff is english and mint unless noted.

Lv.Xs, Secrets, shinys, noteable,
Gallade 4 Lv.X
Floatzel GL Lv.X
Shaymin Lv.X(land form)
Infernape 4 Lv.X(97% mint, some micro scratches)
Palkia G Lv.X
Garchomp Lv.X
Porygon Z Lv.X
Magnezone Lv.X
Dialga Lv.X(Promo and non-Promo)
Palkia Lv.X(Promo)
SH9 Yanma

other notables,1st edition etc

Jirachi EX (CG)
Sceptile EX(CG)
Dragonite EX(DF)
Kingdra EX(DF)
Flareon EX(Unseen Forces, this card is not mint it has two creases at the bottom)
Armaldo EX (Legend Maker)
Salamence EX(PK)
Tyranitar EX(POP1)

1st edition Dark Arbok(Team Rocket)
1st edition Wigglytuff holo (Jungle)
1st edition Kindra RH(Neo genesis)
1st edition Vileplume RH(Jungle)
1st edition Dark Golbat(Team Rocket)
1st edition Dark Weezing(Team Rocket)
1st edition Dark Hypno RH(Team Rocket)
1st edition Pidgeot RH (Jungle)
1st edition Pinsir (Jungle)
and i also have a Dark Wartorle, Dark Raichu and Nidoran(Female) that have EX/Lv.x border(all legendary collection).

Rising Rivals

2# Bastiodon GL
3# Darkrai G
6# Froslass GL
9# Luxray GL
10# Mismagius GL
11# Rampardos GL
12# N/A
14# Aggron
15# Beedrill
16# Bronzong 4
17# N/A
18# N/A
19# Flareon
20# N/A
21# Gastrodon east sea
22# Gastrodon west sea
23# N/A
24# N/A
25# N/A
26# Jolteon
27# N/A
28# Mr.Mime 4
29# N/A
30# Nidoqueen
31# N/A
32# N/A
33# Snorlax lv37
34# N/A
35# N/A
36# N/A
38# Alakazam 4
39# Electrode G
40# Gengar GL
41# N/A
42# N/A
43# Infernape 4
44# Lairon
45# N/A
46# Machamp GL
47# Rapidash 4
48# Scizor 4
49# Sharpedo
50# Starmie
51# Steelix GL
52# Tropius
53# Vibrava
54# Whiscash 4
55# Aerodactyl
56# Ambipom G
57# Aron
58# Carvanha
59# Eevee
60# Flareon 4
61# Forretress G
62# Gliscor 4
63# Growlithe
64# N/A
65# Houndoom 4
66# Kakuna
67# Kecleon
68# Koffing
69# Munchlax
70# Munchlax
71# Nidoran(Female)
72# Nidoran(Male)
73# Nidorina
74# Nidorino
75# Nuzleaf
76# Quaqsire GL
77# Sealeo
78# Seedot
79# Shellos(east sea)
80# Shellos(west sea)
81# Snorlax
82# Spheal
83# N/A
84# Trapinch
85# Turtwig GL
86# Weedle
87# Weezing
88# Aaron’s Collection
89# Bebe’s Research
90# Bertha’s Warmth
91# Flint’s Willpower
92# Lucian’s Assingment
93# Pokemon Contest Hall
94# Sunyshore City Gym
95# TM G
96# N/A
97# N/A
98# Volkner’s Philosophy
99# N/A
100# Metal Energy
101# SP Energy
102# Upper Energy
103# N/A
104# N/A
105# N/A
106# N/A
107# N/A
108# N/A
109# N/A
110# N/A
111# N/A
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

It means Check My Wants List.

Others you'll probably see:
LMK-Let Me Know
ATM-At The Moment
NFT-Not For Trade
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

Before you begin to buy/trade, you must make a ref thread. You can make a ref thread in the trade ref-sub forum. Please do this as soon as you can so no problems arise later on.


With that out of the way, I have these that I can sell you if you are willing to buy:

3X Rare Candys (Some HP some GE)
1X Luxury Ball
1X Claydol(GE; RH or Non Holo)
1X Tyranitar(SF; RH or Non Holo)
2X Bebe's Search
2X Felicitys(RH or Non Holo)

LMK through a PM if you are interested in buying.

RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

1X Rare Candy
3X Togekiss
1X Togetic
3X Togepi
2X Bebe's Search
1X Roseanne's Research
2X Felicity's Drawing :)

Dusknoir Lv. X

LMK. :)
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

I have 2 Bebe, 1 RH Tyranitar SF, and the 2-1-1 Togekiss line. All of them for $15 shipped? Lmk.
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

@Yata: I might pass, sorry.
@ Collector Don: Thanks but i'll pass on that to(but thanks a ton for being the first poster in my trade thread *throwspartyforCD*
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

Please CML for Dusknior lv.X.
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

TofU said:
I have 2 Bebe, 1 RH Tyranitar SF, and the 2-1-1 Togekiss line. All of them for $15 shipped? Lmk.

Give me an S. S!

Give me a K. K!

Give me an I. I!

Give me a P. P!

What does that spell?

RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

@Tofu: KK
@ shaymin of the heart: Would you maybe trade the Charizard(SF)?( I will still have to think about it if say yes though).

@Saviour_gundam: I might pass, but that Darkrai deck box you have is like the coolest thing ever.
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

LoneTyranitar said:
@Tofu: KK
@ shaymin of the heart: Would you maybe trade the Charizard(SF)?( I will still have to think about it if say yes though).

@Saviour_gundam: I might pass, but that Darkrai deck box you have is like the coolest thing ever.

Hold on, so does this mean that you would buy my 1 Tyranitar, 1 Bebe's Search, and 1-1-1 Togekiss line for $15 shipped or what?
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

Oh i get it now(i was confused before), what i mean at first was could i only get the Togekiss line, i said "KK" because i though you did not want to trade. xD
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

Ok, I can sell you the 2-1-2 Togekiss line for $12 shipped. Lmk.
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

LoneTyranitar said:
@Tofu: KK
@ shaymin of the heart: Would you maybe trade the Charizard(SF)?( I will still have to think about it if say yes though).

@Saviour_gundam: I might pass, but that Darkrai deck box you have is like the coolest thing ever.

Hhhm, I don't mind doing that, but I will give you time to think.:)
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

Is there any Lv. X (non - stormfront) you might need?
Because I can't make a fair offer out of the cards you need for Dusknoir Lv. X... so LMK.
I will then make a very nice offer. :)
RE: Need 3xRareCandys,Claydol(GE)...

I have:
3X RareCandys
1X Claydol(GE)
3X Togekiss
1X Togetic
3X Togepi
2X Bebe's Search
2X Felicitys(I can't remember the whole thing)

I want:
Dusknoir Lv.x(Mint, I just pulled it)

CML for stuff.
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