• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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[H] Sutff [W] Uxie / uxie X.

How much do you think Roseannes Researh is Worth?

  • 1-3 USD

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • 3-5 USD

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • 5-8 USD

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • 8-10 USD

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • 10-12 USD

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Dr. Frankenstain

Aspiring Trainer

Rare candy++++++++++++++++++++++
Uxie la +++++ HIGH WANT!!! i WILL PAY FOR THIS!!
AMU X ++++++++++++++ HIGH WANT!!! I WILL PAY FOR THIS!!
Gengar SF
Xx Bebe search
Xx Roseanes Researsh


Honkrow lvl.X SW
Ryperihor lvl.X (promo)
Dusknoir lvl.X
Shaymin lvl.X (land)
2x Regigigas lv.X ( 1x Promo)
Mesprit lvl.X
Azelf lvl.X [---]
2x Uxie X (1x jap)

#1 Ampharos
#3 Blazigen
2x #4 Delcatty
#5 Dialga (rew)
#6 Dialga
#9 Giratina
#10 Giratina (rew)
#12 Palkia G
2x #13 Rampa (rew)
#14 Shaymin
3x#16 Slaking (1x REw)
2x#18 Altaria (1x rew)
2x #19 Banette
2x #20Bastiodon (1x REW)
2x #21 Beatufly (1x rew)
#22 Blissey
#23 Dialga (rew)
2x #24 Dugtrio (1x rew)
2x #25 Duxtox (1x Rew)
#26 Empoleon
#27 Giratina (rew)
2x #28 Giratina
2x #29 Golduck (1x rew)
2x #30 Gyarados G
3x #31 Infernape
2x #32 Kriketune (1x rew)
2x #33 Blissey (1x REw)
4x #34 Ludicolo (1xRew)
#35 Ludvisc
#36 Ninetails
#37 Palkia
2x #38 Shaymin (1x rew)
2x #39 Torterra (1x rew)

+ Every common and uncommon.


2x #1 Dusse (1x REW)
#2 Empo
#3 Infernape
#4 Lumineon
#5 Magnezone
#6 Magnezone
#7 Mismagius
#8 Raishu
#9 Regigigas
#10 Sceptile
3x #11 Torerra (1x rew)
#13 Bronzong
#14 Cherrim
2x#16 Drifblim
#17 Dusknoir
2x #18 Gengar
3x #19 Gyarados
3x#20 Machamp
#21 Mamosivine
2x #22 Rapidash
3x#23 Roserade
#24 Salamance
2x #26 Skunkank
#27 Staraptor (rew)
#28 Steelix
2x #29 Tangrowth
3x #30 Tyris

+ Jokainen Uncommon ja Common.

Legend Awaked

#2 Dragonite
#6 Heartran (tuli)
#12 politoad
#10Metagross (tema pak)
#11 Mewtwo (1x rew)
#13 probobass (1x rew)
#14 Rayquaza
#16 Spiritomb
#17 yanmega (Theme)
#20 Bellosom
#22 crwndaunt
#23 Dekcatty
2x#27 ditto
#28 forretress
#29 groudon
#30 Heartran (rew)
#38 Regirock
#39 registeel
#44 Victribel
#45 Vileplume

+ Every Uncommon and Common.

Majestic Dawn
#7 leafeon
2x #6 Kabutopts
#17 Empoleon
2X #21 Hippowdon
#22 Infernape
2x#23 Jolteon
2x#27 Phione
#30 Torterra
#37 Grotle
#38 Kangaskhan
#39 Likitung
#40 Manectric
2x#41 Monferno
#44 Primplup
2X #47 Staravia
#47 Sudowoodo
#49 Unown Q
#50 Aipom
2X #51 Aipom
2X #52 Bronzor
#53 Buneary
2X #54 Burmy Sand Cloack
#55 Chatot
#56 Cimchar
#58 Chingling
#59 Combee
2X#60 Croankunk
3X#61 Drifloon
2X#62 Eevee
#64 Electric
2X#65 Glameow
#66 Hippopotas
3X#67 Kabuto
2X#68 Munshlax
4X#69 Omanyte
2x#70 Pikachu
3X#71 Piplup
#72 Piplup
#73 Shellos East Sea
#74 spearow
2#75 Straly
3X#76 stunky
3X#77 Turtwig
#78 Turtwig

Great Encouters
#3 Darkrai
3x Sceptile (1x JAp)
2x weeging ge 1x rew
2X#23 Latios
340 Grovyle
2X#45 Magcarco
#48 Peliper
#50 Purugly
#70 Igglypuff
3x#73 Kakuna
2X#74 Koffig
#82 slowpoke
2x#83 Slugma
#89 Torchic
2X#90 Treeko
6X#93 Weedle

Secret Wonders

#1 Ampharos
4x Gallade
3x Gardevoir.
#12 Licklicky
#25 Electvire
#29 Golem
#34 Nidoking
#41 Wormadam Plant Cloak
#2X#51 Ivysaur
2x#56 Muk
#58 Pidgeotto
#61 Raticate
#63 Sabley
#64 Shelgon
#66 Smeragle
#75 Wartortle
#76 Bagon
2X#77 Bulbasur
#78 Burmy Sand Cloak
#86 Duskull
#89 Growlithe
#90 Hoppip
#91 Likitung
#93 Magmar
#103 rattata
2X#106 Shelder
#112 Squitle

Mysterious Treasure

1x#9 Garchomp
#19 Abomasnow
2X#21 Bastiodon
#24 Exeggutor
#25 Glalie
2x#48 Gabite
#49 Girafarg
2X#51 Graveler
#52 Happiny
#54 Magmar
3X#59 Pupitar
#60 Quilava
#61 Sandshalsh
2X#62 Sealeo
3X#63 Shieldon
#75 Buitzel
#77 Chikorita
#81 Electrice
#85 Gible
3X#87 Larvitar
#93 Shinx
#100 Snorut
#102 Spheal
#105 Tediursa
#106 Totodile
#107 Vulpix
#108 Zubat

Trainers/ Supporter/ Stadium / Tool
Poke blover +
Poke ball
Marleys recuest
evoluuter ts-1
2xpoke radar
Unapproved. Please make sure you make a ref thread, and read the rules also. Until the trade council sees your thread this will stay closed.

I dont need the azelf that much and the Palkia G X is not in 100% shape but still somehow i dont want trade a azelf to my Palkia G.
I've got 2x Claydol - GE [1x RH]
The Reverse Holo one is not mint, but I need your Leafeon Lv.X if it is in English.
Please check my list for anything else you may be interested in and let me know if we can work something out.
Boy: Sry Drapion allrdy gone.
Taylor : intersted in Claydolls yes but dont really wanna give a leafeon for them but i little intedeted in you call of duty.
kash: so what do you want from me and what i from u.
Raygaza: Claydolls are nor really to trade so i could not really found enything.
I want palkia G lv X whilst you want mesprit lv X, also I got a azelf lv X if you want to make the trade bigger :)