3-3 houndoom ud
2-2 weavile ud
2-2 giratina lvx (let loose)
4 sableye
1-1 slowking hs
2 uxie
poke 22
4 sp dark
4 dark
2 warp
energy 10
3 seeker
4 ssu
3 bebe
3 collector
2 communication
2 rockets trickery
2 junk arm
3 bts
2 vs seeker
1 luxury
2 warp point
1 palmers
t/s/s 28
basically get your opponents hand down to nothing and then pick off w/e pokemon they have left. slowking controls topdeck. sableye start to set up quick. let me know how i can fix this up. thanks in advance
2-2 weavile ud
2-2 giratina lvx (let loose)
4 sableye
1-1 slowking hs
2 uxie
poke 22
4 sp dark
4 dark
2 warp
energy 10
3 seeker
4 ssu
3 bebe
3 collector
2 communication
2 rockets trickery
2 junk arm
3 bts
2 vs seeker
1 luxury
2 warp point
1 palmers
t/s/s 28
basically get your opponents hand down to nothing and then pick off w/e pokemon they have left. slowking controls topdeck. sableye start to set up quick. let me know how i can fix this up. thanks in advance