Happy April fools day

He's right. Better luck next year.
By the way Pokemon.com released a new member of the 5th gen today!

He will come to the 5th Gen as a usable pokemon though. Back then all we could do was gasp at his godliness.

Thats how the character will look like in the 5th Generation games. :p
Ice Arceus said:

Thats how the character will look like in the 5th Generation games. :p

Woah, freaky. Looks like Spock and someone from Pokemon had a baby.
Hey everyone theres a hole on your shirt!(This actually works in real life, everyone I did it to looked =P. Try it!)
-April Fools

Also this evil beaver is right behind you!
april fools day is for fools

april fools, no its not. :p

look a distraction!

(try saying that fast and moderately loud. it works o_O)
I'm quitting pokemon cuz I'm self conscious and dream of being really cool and popular even though it will never happen and I'm gonna keep making fun of pokemon even though deep down I love it and I stopped playing only because of what others think. :p You guyz need to get a life. :p

Oh and I think Chuck Norris sucks.
