Happy New Year from PokéBeach!

Shining Raikou

Your friendly neighborhood Raikou fan!
Elite Member
Advanced Member
We wish you all a happy and prosperous new year ahead!

What are your New Year resolutions? What are you looking forward to in 2012? Share with others and count down to the new year with us!
Is there anything we should be expecting from Pokebeach in the near future?

I plan to get more active in the TCG section over the next few months.

First :D
Yes, Happy New Year everyone.

I'll think of some resolutions.

So far my only is grammar improvement.

Anyone else staying up until next year? (staying up until midnight)
Happy New Years Everyone :)

I don't have much of a resolution since I'm perfect already, but I'll come up with one eventually.

I'll probably be staying up until like 5 in the morning, lol /nolife
My New Year's resolutions for 2010 and 2011 were to exercise, but that never happened. Unfortunately with the things I've already got planned for next year it doesn't seem likely that's going to change.

So, I suppose my resolution will be to finish drawing all of the Unova Pokémon by the end of 2012. I should be able to get that done, at least.
Have an awesome new year everyone! Remember, the apocalypse is coming. :p

I'm looking forward to my graduation this year. June isn't coming soon enough. =)

I'd like to pull an allnighter, but I'll probably pass out on my keyboard before the sun comes up.
Shining Raikou said:
What are you new years resolutions? What are you looking forward to in 2012? Share with others and count down to the new year with us!

Well, we know someone's resolution is to learn to grammar. :D Or spelling, whatever lol.

Meh, I don't really make a lot of new years resolutions. I usually just go with the flow rather than pressure myself into doing something I'll probably never do.

Edit: All fixed now with my original post (no thanks to certain Nazis).

dmaster out.
Happy New Year Everyone!

I just planning to write a little more, I didn't have any idea of what to do as a new year's resolution until an hour ago when I noticed someone post that resolution, and I took it for myself. I don't know how late I'll stay up tonight, but at least until midnight, while I'm at one of my friend's parties.
I'm looking forward to judging VGC's again this year. Doing that at Nationals is always a highlight of the year for me, minus last year when someone stole my deck I was going to be using in the Professor Cup.

Here's to hoping I don't get haxxed a lot in tournaments or official PB events.

My New Year's resolution is to get the Pokemon Online Ratings mobile site perfected; it is getting pretty close now. I also want to have it support multiple Pokemon Online Server so you can compare yourself to people on other servers. It's already mostly set up for that; I just need to figure out how to enhance security on that.

Lame jokes aside, happy New Years!
My New Year's resolution is to get two pistols, then go around and shoot everyone else who makes a New Year's resolution.

As usual, like all New Year's resolutions, the plan will not be fully accomplished and lose momentum after about eight minutes.
I don't really tend to have a New Year's resolution, since there is a high chance it might not work out for me. However, this year I hope to complete my Pokemon game, which I have been working on for a year. I hope to finish the game by mid-year. The demo is finished and tested, though I just haven't had time to edit the introduction part and post the demo. Seems like that is part of my resolution for this upcoming year as well. xP
Even though it's only 9:37 PM where I live, Happy New Years! I plan on staying up till atleast midnight, even though I'm only running on 3 hours of sleep! :p My New Years resolution is to not have a real New Years resolution, I personly think that they are just promises to yourself that you can't keep.
Happy New Years everyone :]

My resolution is to beat every Zelda game because I'm cool.
My new years resolution is to take better care of myself! No excuses! Also, to beat Skyward Sword, because I haven't had much of a chance to play it yet. I'm looking forward to working on my major in college and traveling next year!

About 15 minutes left on the East Coast til 2012! :)

In reply to an earlier post, you can expect some cool new things from PokeBeach in the new year. I can't say much right now, but just stay tuned! :)

Got beat to it ;D
Happy New Years everyone, hope your resolution is to not make resolutions next year. And say, has a meteor hit Australia yet?

@Zyflair: ...so... cute... HHNNNNNGGGG
Zyflair said:
Have good one, everyone!

Sending this year out with a HNNNNNNG I see.

I don't know how many people remember 2 years back, but...this is my vague recollection.

<Ganon> Quick, Gale, what's 2010 like?