Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino? EDIT: NO ERROR, PLEASE LOCK

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Hey, first I don't know where I'm supposed to post this, as the Error and Misprint Database is too old for anyone to post in and there is no specific other section that I've seen where I could post this. Lock it if it needs to be locked, as there is really no discussion value, I'm just pointing out an error.

Here are the scans: Nidorina - Nidorino - Pidgeotto

I was looking through the scans of the Triumphant cards on the main page, and noticed an error with the Collector # on the Nidorino. The Nidorina that comes before it has the Collector #45, and the Pidgeotto after it has the Collector #47. So Nidorino is supposed to be #46, but it isn't. Instead, the Collector # on it says that it is 45/102, which is exactly like the Nidorina before it.

Has anyone else noticed this error? I think it is pretty major, at least for people wanting to collect....

RE: Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino?

Mate, it is 46. Zoom in on it. Very easy to see on an iPhone.
RE: Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino?

No, if you look closely, Nidorino says 46 on it. It is just a small difference between the five and six.
RE: Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino?

@Chiraami: No, it definitely looks like 45 to me. The top perpendicular line of the second number is too sharp to be a 6.... I've zoomed in on it with my iPod as well.

RE: Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino?

It does look a little squarer than usual, but it is 46. There is no space between it.

If we had a real card we could tell much better.
RE: Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino?

Nidorino in hand, it is 46.
RE: Has anyone noticed the error on HS-Triumphant Nidorino?

Problem solved.

I think they would go over the cards pretty carefully so as not to make little mistakes like that.
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