Pokemon Has Pokemon Gone too Far?

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A Free Pokemon
So I was playing my new Pokemon White game when I noticed how Cheren looks just like Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney games, but with glasses. Same long hair, same pointy-finger pose.

How could Pokemon sink so low as to steal Capcom's prized prosecutor and disguise him with glasses? Please post your thoughts about this.
Cheren isn't wearing a suit.

And the pointy finger pose is more associated with Phoenix Wright tbh.
I think it's just a refference. They have been doing this kinda stuff since the beggining.
Cheren very well could have been based off of him, but it's nothing new to the entertainment buisness. Companies steal other companies ideas, and form their own from them all the time. Some just plain copy. Capcom would have a very difficult time proving a copyright violation, because really, they aren't all that similar. Common colors, and body features are the only things that group these two together.
Besides if you really wanna talk going too far there's a better thing to take aim at: N's Farewell, whose opening melody is practically a ripoff from a certain Earthbound track...
The Pokemon series always has references to the Mother trilogy. See: several songs, Mogurew.

Am I the only one who can't see the similarities between Cheren and Edgeworth at all?
I can't see any similarities either, at least not enough to support the thread starter's claim of Cheren looking "just like" Miles Edgeworth
Yeah, it's really not similar enough to say they look a lot like each other. Different shirt color, different hairstyle, one has glasses... the only really similar things are the pose and the hair color. I don't think Cheren was based off of Edgeworth.
Pretty sure Edgeworth's hair isn't black like Cheren's either so I doubt the hair similarity holds weight....
Zenith said:
Am I the only one who can't see the similarities between Cheren and Edgeworth at all?

No, I don't really see it either. Besides, it's not like companies making references to other companies through characters, etc is anything new.
On the topic of references, have you seen pokemon references in other games? I have seen something called a wooper trooper in dragon quest ix, but that's it.

Edit: though not a video game, the RPG munchkin has a monster called pukachu. Take a wild guess about what it's referencing.
On the topic of references, have you seen pokemon references in other games? I have seen something called a wooper trooper in dragon quest ix, but that's it.
That's because Pokemon isn't worth stealing from. Then again, you can look at YGO's "Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle".
(Yes, I do own Dragon Quest IX so I know exactly what you're talking about.)
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