Has TPCI stopped caring about the way they produce cards?

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Brave Vesperia

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The other day I picked up a Victini box and and noticed the condition of some of the cards were near mint instead of straight out of the pack mint and as I saw a reverse holo Blitzle had a CREASE in it! Not that I'm too concerned about the Blitzle it self its just the fact that TCPI would treat there cards this way before selling them to people, Seriously I have seen scans of freshly made BW cards straight out of the pack that have scratches, bends, creases and dents in them. Now don't go off on me saying "Oh stop ranting some people just have bad luck with there pulls." Am I the only one who cares about the condition of there cards wether or not it's for collecting or battling? TPCI if your reading this please do not let damaged cards in to packs it makes people upset and/or mad.
american pokemon cards had always been lacking in quality compared to their japanese origins

BW i felt was the worst set for damaged cards from manufacturing/packaging.
i feel like they were rushed in producing these cards
i myself have gotten many non-mint cards from them. scraped edges on holo cards, white dots on card backing (worst is the reshiram FA i have that has white specks all over it)
american pokemon cards had always been lacking in quality compared to their japanese origins
That isn't necessarily true; I own both a Japanese and an English Dialga G LV.X, and when I compare the two, the English one has much brighter color, even though the Japanese one has better holofoil.

However, in regards to the topic at hand, if you need any evidence that TPCI has stopped caring, look no further than the BW holofoil cards.
A bunch of shiny horizontal lines? Don't make me laugh!
I actually like the yellow borders. The holo borders take all the fun out of opening packs. (Although, I can see what you mean - I'm just not a big fan of holo borders.)
I've actually pulled cards out of B/W that have had some pretty bad scratches on em, needless to say, I wasn't too impressed with that. I'm just thinking maybe the holofoil is weaker than we expect.

To be honest, the worst luck with B/W is me only pulling 3 holos. (not counting reverse holos which are the most severely scratched up)

Each of which was a Reinculus, but that's not related, it's just a major "Wow, what the heck are you guys doing with the pack ratios?" moment.
@ GraveTheUndead I KNOW seriously, Heres what it's probably like at where ever they produce the cards "Hey Fred." "What Tim?"
"Lets play catch with these cards before we put them into the packs!" "Derp okay!:p"
I would be guilty being one of those people, because tossing cards at each other is one of the funnest things to do out of boredom.

'long as they're energy.
TPCI are just lazy and they abused those cards. The sad truth they don't care for the customer they just want their money no wonder why we have so many crappy rares in the set there is a few that are really good but most of them are bad! I wanted them to be done with Reverse Holo Cards and just Give us a Rare & Holo Card not Reverse Holo & Rare. Some reverse Holos are cool but they mainly print horrible reverse holo cards. This feels like a spit in the faces from TPCI and they should care about the consumer who buy these cards and release real price values for cards and most people over value cards add it's getting ridiculous! I can't stand over valued cards in a modified format it makes us harder to get cards from online stores,eBay,etc. They should make popular cards League Promo's that encourage people got Pokemon Leagues. Japan get's more of an advantage than the US due to them having High Quality Products and getting more. For Example they get Lv. X's & Primes in Half Decks while the US get's crappy decks. Also TPCI encourage Type Based decks and I do have to say it's ridiculous that they do something like that it should be based on what works with each other. For them to produce damaged cards we should be reimbursed for damaged card it's TPCI's responsibility and I do hold them responsible. Speaking of Responsible they did mix up our Booster Boxes so that we won't get codes we should be reimbursed for our codes that we didn't get they should give us codes that are in the booster packs. TPCI are just a bunch of morons and since I signed up I haven't received any Player Rewards which is ridiculous I've signed up since September 2009 and now it's May 2011 and still no Player Rewards even the customer service doesn't care it just proves how much they cared! TCPI will go down hill when rotation goes around I do hope people do quit and them to lose money would be funny and you know what they would deserve it. This is my rant about TPCI I hope you like it.
I personally am dissapointed with the quality of these cards. I pulled a Zorark, straight from the pack, and it had like dirt and scratches on the back already! It's as if TPCi does not care.
another complaint on the holo cards. the promo tepig, snivy, oshawott horizontal line borders were not bad
they were very bright and had a nice look.
the holos in BW however are mixed in with the background and are covered up so you can barely tell its a holo (zekrom reshiram backgrounds are the worst as none of the horizontal holo lines show through)
Imma join you guys in complaining, I got one B&W pack and pulled a Klingklang and it was scratched up and it looked like there was dirt on it :(
I think I will as well, I pulled a few RH cards with splotches on them. Needless to say, I'm NOT impressed. I can't remember which ones, but I'm lucky it wasnt a rare.
Ya, the BW holos are pathetic. Lines. And some art too. Emboar is just standing, looking at you. Wow.
As much as I agree with this issue, it isn't like TPCI is going look at every single card, hopefully they have got news that some people are dissatisfied and will make check their machines and see what the problem is.
It's so hard finding a mint card for a collection because of this! I've been trying to find a mint Pikachu, and considering they're rare, it's not easy. My friend pulled one straight from an afterdraft, but it still had edgewear. >:X

And, my full arts that I've pulled (2 Reshiram) the front holo on the border has been chipped off a little bit.

Oh, and the worst one: I bought a Zekrom tin and the tin had a huge dent on the front! And when I opened it, the Zekrom was badly bent, and the plastic that held the Zekrom in had made big marks on the border! (Well, I did pull a FA Reshiram and a RH Reuniclus, so it was worth it, I suppose)

I swear, it's like TPCi isn't even caring anymore.
B/W was rushed.. they released it a month before the regular schedule.. and it shows. I personally love the idea of Reverse Holos, and it seems like the Japanese have been wanting them too since in B/W red collection, they're finally getting reverse holos too. I like the idea because it lets me holo out my deck. if it wasn't for reverse holos, I wouldn't bother with getting holo energy. and that's the truth.

as far as the yellow borders go, just scratch it yourself. I'm doing that very carefully to not cause peeling.. but it can be done, and then you get the same holo border as the japanese cards.

the bent tin is likely just the inventory person that dislikes their job at your local target/walmart/kmart.

maybe they are really going back to base set days.. I remember having holos with edge wear back in the day straight from the pack. but never what appeared to be dirt.
that's one way to do it, but it has to be a new blade. I've actually got a set of tweezers that has a perfect edge on it to scratch it off gently. it takes patience though since the softer you press, the longer it takes, the harder you press, the more likely it is to peel up the holo off of the card.

just know that nobody is likely to want to trade for it once you do it. which is why Im only going to do it to my promo zekroms
im trying it now. takes ALONGGGGG time. just finished the bottom border.

looks amazing though