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Haunted House! (Gengar-EX / Crobat / Malamar-EX / Honchkrow)


Pokemon Extraordinaire
Pokemon: 23

  • Gengar-EX x2
    Mewtwo-EX x1
    Malamar-EX x1
    M-Gengar-EX x1
    Zubat x4 (PHF)
    Golbat x4 (PHF)
    Crobat x4 (PHF)
    Murkrow x3 (PHF)
    Honchkrow x2 (PHF)
    Darkrai x1 (XY22 Promo)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 22

  • Professor Sycamore x4
    N x2
    Skyla x2
    Lysandre's Trump Card x1
    Dimension Valley x3
    Gold Potion x1
    Crushing Hammer x2
    Enhanced Hammer x2
    Switch x2
    VS Seeker x2
    Gengar Spirit Link x1
Energy: 15

  • Psychic Energy x6
    Darkness Energy x5
    DCE x4


Though it is a rather diverse group of Pokemon, there are two big strategies that are going which allows you to choose which would be better in your situation.

Strategy #1 consists of using Golbat/Crobat's ability to put damage counters on your opponents Pokemon which really puts pressure on your opponent. Then Gengar-EX comes in for Dark Corridor which does a base 60, poisons the active, and switches with one of your benched Pokemon and who else to switch out for? Golbat/Crobat obviously with their free retreat cost, you can have a consistent retreat->Dark Corridor->repeat.

Strategy #2 puts the combo of Malamar-EX and Honchkrow's Nightmare Mombo into full effect. By attaching an energy from your hand to Malamar-EX, Malamar-EX's ability activates which puts your opponents active Pokemon to sleep. Combo this with Honchkrow's Nightmare Mombo which does a base 60 and 60 more if the opponents active is asleep! Darkrai is teched in as well due to is second attack, Deep Wind, which does the same thing as Honchkrow but heals 30 HP from Darkrai! And you don't have to rely on just Malamar-Ex's ability to put your opponent to sleep because both Honchkrow and Darkrai have their first attack that also puts the active Pokemon asleep. Talk about hypnotic combo!