have base, jungle, fossil cards, not playing since 2003


Aspiring Trainer
hi, i'm new here.. i just checked a closet where i had left my pokemon cards a lot time ago... i am from argentina, played Pokémon cards til 2003 i think. the thing is i have lots of cards from the earliest sets: base, jungle, fossil, etc both in english and spanish and i wanted to know how valuable they are now that there are more than 40 sets. When i was playnig magic the gathering i used to look at the first sets cards as they were ancient..so i want to know if i were to start playing right now how would they feel...
i'm not thinking about trading because i am not playing anymore and if i start playing i'll be the only one in this city, i don't know why but pokemon cards are not coming here anymore. i think the last set to come was neo discovery and that's it. nah, just tell me what do you think about for example a professor oak that lets you draw 7 cards, etc. base had a deck called the
"turbo blastoise" in wich you probably be dealing 70 damage in your 2nd turn.. i don't know if that's remotely possible with the actual cards..

and yes i have jolteon vaporeon and flareon, i think they are jungle uncommons, except jolteon i think there is a rare jolteon in base
The cards from the first few sets are pretty worthless nowadays. Aside from a few cards, you can get most holos online for less than 80 cents. Charizard might net you around $10 on a good day, a bit more if it's 1st Edition.

Otherwise, I just finally finished up my Base/Jungle/Fossil collections for less than $20. Check out Troll and Toad to see what they're selling stuff around. Ebay will be less, usually.
oww what a disappointment..

well, then i have less reasons to sell them... i paid 10 pesos for each "sobresito" (envelope, i dont know the precise word) sure i've spend money on that and now i figure you can get any card for 80 cents .. well it seems this is my last post


unless you can tell me if there is an online pokemon TCG to play virtually, i really saw all this new cards and kinda want to play. isn't there a game under developing or abandoned projects?? you people cant answer me no, come onn!!
(From Pojo)

1st Ed. Unl. Shadowless Card # Rarity Color Level Poke# Card Name
$15 $4 $ 1/102 H Lv42 #065 Alakazam
$50 $5 $ 2/102 H Lv52 #009 Blastoise
$20 $4 $ 3/102 H Lv55 #113 Chansey
$80 $8 $ 4/102 H Lv76 #006 Charizard
$15 $2 $ 5/102 H Lv14 #035 Clefairy
$45 $4 $ 6/102 H Lv41 #130 Gyarados
$15 $4 $ 7/102 H Lv33 #107 Hitmonchan
$1 --- $ 8/102 H Lv67 #068 Machamp
$12 $2 $ 9/102 H Lv20 #082 Magneton
$12 $3 $ 10/102 H Lv53 #150 Mewtwo
$16 $4 $ 11/102 H Lv48 #034 Nidoking
$16 $5 $ 12/102 H Lv32 #038 Ninetales
$10 $5 $ 13/102 H Lv48 #062 Poliwrath
$15 $3 $ 14/102 H Lv40 #026 Raichu
$15 $5 $ 15/102 H Lv67 #003 Venusaur
$18 $5 $ 16/102 H Lv64 #145 Zapdos
$2.50 $1 $ 17/102 R Lv32 #015 Beedrill
$3 $2 $ 18/102 R Lv33 #148 Dragonair
$2.50 $2 $ 19/102 R Lv36 #051 Dugtrio
$3 $2 $ 20/102 R Lv35 #125 Electabuzz
$2.50 $1 $ 21/102 R Lv40 #101 Electrode
$2.50 $1 $ 22/102 R Lv36 #017 Pidgeotto
$1 $0.50 $ 23/102 U Lv45 #059 Arcanine
$1 $0.50 $ 24/102 U Lv32 #005 Charmeleon
$1 $0.50 $ 25/102 U Lv42 #087 Dewgong
$1 $0.50 $ 26/102 U Lv10 #147 Dratini
$1 $0.50 $ 27/102 U Lv20 #083 Farfetch'd
$1 $0.50 $ 28/102 U Lv18 #058 Growlithe
$1 $0.50 $ 29/102 U Lv22 #093 Haunter
$1 $0.50 $ 30/102 U Lv20 #002 Ivysaur
$1 $0.50 $ 31/102 U Lv23 #124 Jynx
$1 $0.50 $ 32/102 U Lv38 #064 Kadabra
$1 $0.50 $ 33/102 U Lv23 #014 Kakuna
$1 $0.50 $ 34/102 U Lv40 #067 Machoke
$1 $0.50 $ 35/102 U Lv8 #129 Magikarp
$1 $0.50 $ 36/102 U Lv24 #126 Magmar
$1 $0.50 $ 37/102 U Lv25 #033 Nidorino
$1 $0.50 $ 38/102 U Lv28 #061 Poliwhirl
$1 $0.50 $ 39/102 U Lv12 #137 Porygon
$1 $0.50 $ 40/102 U Lv41 #020 Raticate
$1 $0.50 $ 41/102 U Lv12 #086 Seel
$1 $0.50 $ 42/102 U Lv22 #008 Wartortle
$0.50 $0.25 $ 43/102 C Lv10 #063 Abra
$0.50 $0.25 $ 44/102 C Lv13 #001 Bulbasaur
$0.50 $0.25 $ 45/102 C Lv13 #010 Caterpie
$0.50 $0.25 $ 46/102 C Lv10 #004 Charmander
$0.50 $0.25 $ 47/102 C Lv8 #050 Diglett
$0.50 $0.25 $ 48/102 C Lv10 #084 Doduo
$0.50 $0.25 $ 49/102 C Lv12 #096 Drowzee
$0.50 $0.25 $ 50/102 C Lv8 #092 Gastly
$0.50 $0.25 $ 51/102 C Lv13 #109 Koffing
$0.50 $0.25 $ 52/102 C Lv20 #066 Machop
$0.50 $0.25 $ 53/102 C Lv13 #081 Magnemite
$0.50 $0.25 $ 54/102 C Lv21 #011 Metapod
$0.50 $0.25 $ 55/102 C Lv20 #032 Nidoran(M)
$0.50 $0.25 $ 56/102 C Lv12 #095 Onix
$0.50 $0.25 $ 57/102 C Lv8 #016 Pidgey
$0.50 $0.25 $ 58/102 C Lv12 #025 Pikachu
$0.50 $0.25 $ 59/102 C Lv13 #060 Poliwag
$0.50 $0.25 $ 60/102 C Lv10 #077 Ponyta
$0.50 $0.25 $ 61/102 C Lv9 #019 Rattata
$0.50 $0.25 $ 62/102 C Lv12 #027 Sandshrew
$0.50 $0.25 $ 63/102 C Lv8 #007 Squirtle
$0.50 $0.25 $ 64/102 C Lv28 #121 Starmie
$0.50 $0.25 $ 65/102 C Lv15 #120 Staryu
$0.50 $0.25 $ 66/102 C Lv8 #114 Tangela
$0.50 $0.25 $ 67/102 C Lv10 #100 Voltorb
$0.50 $0.25 $ 68/102 C Lv11 #037 Vulpix
$0.50 $0.25 $ 69/102 C Lv12 #013 Weedle
$1 $0.75 $ 70/102 R T --- --- Clefairy Doll
$3 $1 $ 71/102 R T --- --- Computer Search
$1 $0.75 $ 72/102 R T --- --- Devolution Spray
$1 $0.75 $ 73/102 R T --- --- Impostor Professor Oak
$3 $1 $ 74/102 R T --- --- Item Finder
$3 $1 $ 75/102 R T --- --- Lass
$4 $1 $ 76/102 R T --- --- Pokemon Breeder
$4 $1 $ 77/102 R T --- --- Pokemon Trader
$3 $1 $ 78/102 R T --- --- Scoop Up
$3 $1 $ 79/102 R T --- --- Super Energy Removal
$1 $0.50 $ 80/102 U T --- --- Defender
$1 $0.50 $ 81/102 U T --- --- Energy Retrieval
$1 $0.50 $ 82/102 U T --- --- Full Heal
$1 $0.50 $ 83/102 U T --- --- Maintenance
$1 $0.50 $ 84/102 U T --- --- PlusPower
$1 $0.50 $ 85/102 U T --- --- Pokemon Center
$1 $0.50 $ 86/102 U T --- --- Pokemon Flute
$1 $0.50 $ 87/102 U T --- --- Pokedex
$1 $050 $ 88/102 U T --- --- Professor Oak
$1 $0.50 $ 89/102 U T --- --- Revive
$1 $0.50 $ 90/102 U T --- --- Super Potion
$0.50 $0.25 $ 91/102 C T --- --- Bill
$0.50 $0.25 $ 92/102 C T --- --- Energy Removal
$0.50 $0.25 $ 93/102 C T --- --- Gust of Wind
$0.50 $0.25 $ 94/102 C T --- --- Potion
$0.50 $0.25 $ 95/102 C T --- --- Switch
$1.00 $0.75 $ 96/102 U --- --- Double Colorless Energy
$0.05 $ $ 97/102 C --- --- Fighting Energy
$0.05 $ $ 98/102 C --- --- Fire Energy
$0.05 $ $ 99/102 C --- --- Grass Energy
$0.05 $ $ 100/102 C --- --- Lightning Energy
$0.05 $ $ 101/102 C --- --- Psychic Energy
$0.05 $ $ 102/102 C --- --- Water Energy

$250.00 Complete 102-card Set (1st Edition)
$85.00 Complete 102-card Set (Unlimited Print)
$XXX.00 Complete 102-card Set (Shadowless)

1st Ed. Unlimited Card # Rarity Color Level Poke # Card Name
$10 $5 1/64 H Lv34 #036 Clefable
$7.50 $4.50 2/64 H Lv42 #101 Electrode
$10 $5 3/64 H Lv28 #136 Flareon
$10 $5.50 4/64 H Lv29 #135 Jolteon
$7.50 $4.50 5/64 H Lv40 #115 Kangaskhan
$8 $5 6/64 H Lv28 #122 Mr.Mime
$8 $5 7/64 H Lv43 #031 Nidoqueen
$7.50 $4.50 8/64 H Lv40 #018 Pidgeot
$9.50 $5.50 9/64 H Lv24 #127 Pinsir
$10 $6 10/64 H Lv25 #123 Scyther
$8.50 $5 11/64 H Lv20 #143 Snorlax
$6 $3.50 12/64 H Lv42 #134 Vaporeon
$7.50 $4.50 13/64 H Lv28 #049 Venomoth
$7.50 $4.50 14/64 H Lv42 #071 Victreebel
$7.50 $4.50 15/64 H Lv35 #045 Vileplume
$10 $6.50 16/64 H Lv36 #040 Wigglytuff
$3 $1.75 17/64 R Lv34 #036 Clefable
$2.75 $1.50 18/64 R Lv42 #101 Electrode
$3.25 $2 19/64 R Lv28 #136 Flareon
$3.50 $2 20/64 R Lv29 #135 Jolteon
$2.75 $1.50 21/64 R Lv40 #115 Kangaskhan
$3 $4.00 22/64 R Lv28 #122 Mr.Mime
$2.75 $1.50 23/64 R Lv43 #031 Nidoqueen
$2.75 $1.50 24/64 R Lv40 #018 Pidgeot
$2.75 $1.50 25/64 R Lv24 #127 Pinsir
$3.50 $2 26/64 R Lv25 #123 Scyther
$3 $1.50 27/64 R Lv20 #143 Snorlax
$2.50 $1.50 28/64 R Lv42 #134 Vaporeon
$2.75 $1.50 29/64 R Lv28 #049 Venomoth
$2.75 $1.50 30/64 R Lv42 #071 Victreebel
$2.75 $1.50 31/64 R Lv35 #045 Vileplume
$3.50 $2 32/64 R Lv36 #040 Wigglytuff
$1 $0.50 33/64 U Lv28 #012 Butterfree
$1 $0.50 34/64 U Lv18 #085 Dodrio
$1 $0.50 35/64 U Lv35 #103 Exeggutor
$1 $0.50 36/64 U Lv27 #022 Fearow
$1 $0.50 37/64 U Lv22 #044 Gloom
$1 $0.50 38/64 U Lv26 #108 Lickitung
$1 $0.50 39/64 U Lv26 #105 Marowak
$1 $0.50 40/64 U Lv24 #030 Nidorina
$1 $0.50 41/64 U Lv28 #047 Parasect
$1 $0.50 42/64 U Lv25 #053 Persian
$1 $0.50 43/64 U Lv35 #057 Primeape
$1 $0.50 44/64 U Lv33 #078 Rapidash
$1 $0.50 45/64 U Lv48 #112 Rhydon
$1 $0.50 46/64 U Lv28 #119 Seaking
$1 $0.50 47/64 U Lv32 #128 Tauros
$1 $0.50 48/64 U Lv28 #070 Weepinbell
$0.50 $0.25 49/64 C Lv11 #069 Bellsprout
$0.50 $0.25 50/64 C Lv13 #104 Cubone
$0.50 $0.25 51/64 C Lv12 #133 Eevee
$0.50 $0.25 52/64 C Lv14 #102 Exeggcute
$0.50 $0.25 53/64 C Lv12 #118 Goldeen
$0.50 $0.25 54/64 C Lv14 #039 Jigglypuff
$0.50 $0.25 55/64 C Lv7 #056 Mankey
$0.50 $0.25 56/64 C Lv15 #052 Meowth
$0.50 $0.25 57/64 C Lv13 #029 Nidoran(F)
$0.50 $0.25 58/64 C Lv8 #043 Oddish
$0.50 $0.25 59/64 C Lv8 #046 Paras
$0.50 $0.25 60/64 C Lv14 #025 Pikachu
$0.50 $0.25 61/64 C Lv18 #111 Rhyhorn
$0.50 $0.25 62/64 C Lv13 #021 Spearow
$0.50 $0.25 63/64 C Lv12 #048 Venonat
$0.50 $0.25 64/64 C T --- --- Poke Ball

I'd list more, but don't want this to be 8 pages long. Google "pokemon price guide" for more.
And unfortunately, the Pojo Base list hasn't been updated since '04. In fact, those Jungle and Fossil lists haven't been updated in seven years.
kmmio said:
oww what a disappointment..

well, then I have less reasons to sell them... I paid 10 pesos for each "sobresito" (envelope, I don't know the precise word) sure I've spend money on that and now I figure you can get any card for 80 cents .. well it seems this is my last post


unless you can tell me if there is an online pokemon TCG to play virtually, I really saw all this new cards and kinda want to play. isn't there a game under developing or abandoned projects?? you people cant answer me no, come onn!!


To play online, you also need a program called Hamachi. There is a Redshark board on this site that you can use to find opponents.
mm i checked it out, to be sincere i expected a lot more heheh.. i wanted to actually feel like i am playing, this program lets you do anything, you can put a basic energy card as a basic pokemon, that's not what you call cheat, that's simply a not programmed feature. i think its useful for people testing their decks ..anyway i don't get to feel i am playing cards, sorry...