DPPt/HGSS Haves and Wants!

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Aspiring Trainer
Hey, I'm looking for:

I can trade:

I'm willing to trade these for almost any shiny also.

All legit, all unnamed, I have copies of almost all the ones I have listed, if you see any you want, just make an offer and I'll accept if it seems like a good one.

Don't be afraid to offer something not on my wanted list!
My "Biteing" (TRI/Tunder,Fire,Ice Fangs & Crunch) Poochyena for that Rilou of yours.
Light Venusaur said:
My "Biteing" (TRI/Tunder,Fire,Ice Fangs & Crunch) Poochyena for that Rilou of yours.

Sure, sounds great! Sorry it's spelled wrong, I couldn't see it from my Pokedex. Shoulda looked it up.

4253 8154 8580
Light Venusaur said:
I also have Absol.
It comes as a Lv.1 shiny or non-shiny.

What would you want for a shiny Absol and what would you want for a non-shiny?
Well for the Shiny one, I'm only after a shiny or an event.
For the normal one, eaither a Shinx or an Eevee will do.
I actually got an Absol, but I will definitely trade Riolu for that biting Poochyena of yours if your still willing. I'm logging off for the night, so is tommorow ok for you?
Tip the Milkman said:
I can breed you Cyndaquil & Mudkip. I have like 20 Togepi untrained.
I have Poochyena, Minun , & Meowth.

That sounds great! What would you want for all of these? I actually got Togepi though, but thank you!
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