Haxorus from Dragon Selection

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Aspiring Trainer
I now WPM will probably post this in the main page but since it didn't do it yet, I would like to check other people's reactions...

Anyway, I saw it at http://google.com/: http://http://google.com/.livejournal.com/87452.html

I like the artwork... Don't know about the attacks since I can't read japanese...
And since it is #16, either Dragon Selection will have the Garchomp and Hydreigon lines despite they already being featured in BW5 & its theme decks OR the Sinnoh dragon trio and Tao Trio featured as dragon types...
Based on the symbols, the first attack probably allows you to discard an energy to do 120 or no discard for 60... sounds good.

Translation please? I would like to know what this does.
60+ Damage for a Double Colourless is nice and it has freakin' awesome artwork. That's pretty much all I can say about it just now. Can't wait for a translation xD
[CC] 60+ If defending Pokemon is Colorless type, add 60 damage.
[FMCC] 100 Discard one card from the top of opponent's deck.
I think this thread can be locked now that it's up on the front page. Just letting everone know.
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