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Haxorus / Milotic


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4x Haxorus PLB
    2x Fraxure PLB
    4x Axew PLB
    2x Feebas XY
    2x Milotic Serene Grace XY
    2x Electrode Magnetic Draw
    2x Voltorb

  • 3x Teirno
    3x Bianca
    2x Pokemon Fan Club
    4x Rare Candy
    3x Ultra Ball
    3x Great Ball
    3x Eva Soda
    2x Prof Letter
    2x Silver Mirro
    2x Escape Rope

  • 11x Steel
    3x Blend

Get started w any of the basic pokemon get out at least one of each of the sets pokemon startr stacking on Haxorus turn by turn discarding Steel energy as you go and serene grace when they knock out a haxorus and double up the energy of the up coming Haxorus and magnetic draw as you need.
RE: Haxorus/Milotic

Axew NVI (reprinted in McDonalds Collection 2012; it's legal) is superior to to Axew PLB as it has 60 HP and no weakness. However, it is normal type as opposed to dragon type.

I don't think you need a 2/2 line for Electrode. It would be better served as an extra feebas/milotic (giving you a 3/3 line of that).

Tierno, Bianca, and Pokemon Fan Club are all relatively poor supporters, or at least are outclassed. I would run 4 N and 4 Juniper instead. (Just drop Fan Club entirely; the balls for search are better in mostly every case anyways).

Great Ball is very inconsistent, and in this deck I would run 4 Ultra Ball (better for getting energy in the discard pile for Milotic) and 2 Level Ball NXD (better for getting your basics out, all of which have <90 HP).

You don't need 4 rare candy and 3 evo soda, especially with better search cards as said above. You can drop 1 or 2 evo soda for another supporter, such as Colress (still better than Bianca or Tierno), or another consistency card, such as Jirachi-EX (which is also searchable by level ball).

Not certain you need two silver mirror considering plasma is just one matchup and you already have an attack that one-shots plasmas for 2 energy. I might drop one for an extra blend.

That's all I can think of. I've played Haxorus myself in the past and didn't find much success with it. I hope you have better luck than I did.
RE: Haxorus/Milotic

Well as those are great suggestions, level balls will probably be getting rotated so those are out. The juniper/sycamore I can see. The main consistancy of the deck tends to he the electrode and only having a 1-1 line gets it prized too often, the Milotic does need a much heavier line than I already have. It's an added recovery when I lose a Haxorus. The Fan club really helps build up the bench at the beginning and the ultra balls do make sense but the great balls help w extra reach and thinning the deck to get what I need when I start all my drawing. The evo soda helps get that electrode and the Milotic out early, as an extra search engine and just gives me better chance for getting the bench up. But will definitely look into the axew, ultra and sycamore/Juniper.
RE: Haxorus/Milotic

You'll probably want to run N/Shauna and Colress for more draw support. Personally, I'd drop the Fan Clubs and Tiernos for 3 N/Shauna and 2 Colress.

Hope this helps, LoneWolf2113